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Burnt taste


Sep 16, 2013
Today I got my first rebuildable. A dual coil Smok Scar. I've coiled it and tested the resistance and it's coming out at 1.8ohm which sounds reasonable. I tested the voltage of my 18650 battery and that's coming out at 4.0, also reasonable as it's freshly charged. But it just tastes burnt, and it's horrible. I'm using some liberty flights energy kick juice 18mg and it smells pretty strongly of red bull. But the taste is just burn. Could this be from "torching" my wick/coil with a normal lighter instead of an actual torch?
It's more likely that you wrapped your coil either too tight or not tight enough.

I would guess not tight enough. :)
It's more likely that you wrapped your coil either too tight or not tight enough.

I would guess not tight enough. :)

I ended up using all the silica wick I had trying to get it right and to no avail. In the end I tried using the wicking method I'd seen in micro coils using 100% cotton balls, unwound and then twisted into a point and threaded through. I've now got both coils working, sitting at about 1.9ohms total and no burnt taste. I'd like to get the resistance lower but with such thin wire (0.16 nichrome) it's difficult and these coils are only on 3 turns... Should I try full micro coiling where they touch to get the resistance down?
Micro coils are the way ahead with cotton. I can get an eight wrap micro coil with that wire to read about two ohms. They really do need to be touching though.

It can be a steep old learning curve at first. I probably binned my first dozen attempts!

Stick with it and you'll get there.
if your gonna use that gauge of wire try double the wire and twist it loads of turns... pair of mole grips and a small screw driver works :) how i did mine not the fastest way but it worked
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if your gonna use that gauge of wire try double the wire and twist it loads of turns... pair of mole grips and a small screw driver works :) how i did mine not the fastest way but it worked
doubling up the wire made it far easier. Now sitting at 1.4ohms duel coiled,no burnt taste. Just a shame the thread on my mod is so worn down that I have to hold my atty there.
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