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Caliburn newbie questions


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
Hi, I'm after some advice - bit of a newbie here so sorry if I sound stupid.

I was using a Vype epen3 (I know, I know). I have recently switched to the Uwell Caliburn. I am using Vampire Vape liquids.

It was recommended by various places as a good first refillable for Vype epen3 users, even when I explained I am more about flavour/hit than fancy clouds. It's a similar shape and size so this helped convince me as well as the liquid price!!!!

I've never used a refillable before and honestly it scared me a bit! Thankfully the filling is actually WAY simpler than I expected - once I got the sodding drip tip off of the pod!

My questions:
1. Do I need separate pods for each flavour? This was NEVER mentioned to me and, coming from a one-use cartridge, it never crossed my mind. I like switching between flavours and bought a few flavours when I got the Caliburn. Partly as they were on offer but also I had no clue what they'd be like so would have backups if I bought an icky one. I have looked into it but, never having used refillables before, talking of cleaning the cotton and stuff is confusing me. I didn't buy extra pods, so only have the basic 2 from the starter pack.

2. Is it normal to feel a bit of a burn when switching between the devices I have? It arrived yesterday and I found my chest felt a little odd. I've not gone up in strength (have actually gone from 12mg back down to 6mg) but am wondering if this is related to it being a refillable?

3. Is it just me or is it annoyingly loud when inhaling via the Caliburn? It's a bit of a 'tinny' noise, if this makes any sense.

4. Is Vampire Vape a bad choice? In all honesty, I didn't research the liquids as much as I should have, they just had some nicer flavours than others on the website...

Any tips are much appreciated.

Cheers in advance!
Hi and welcome :D

Not a caliburn user so can't comment on that, but I'm sure there are others here that use them

As far as the liquid is concerned, I don't personally like any of the vampire vape stuff I have tried, I did use a few different ones when I first started vaping a few years back and they were all a bit nasty IMO. I'm sure others will disagree, but it's all personal preference really.

Your chest feeling odd is more likely down to the new flavours you are trying or possibly the PG/VG ratios, but certainly not just because the device is refillable.
Hi @LK85 and welcome to the planet.

like above ive not used the caliburn but theres a review below which might help.

Vampire vapes have been going for years and are a decent supplier. its all down to personal taste especially their heienburg which has the marmite effect of you either love it or hate it.
youve not mentioned what vg/pg ratio the juice is as this can affect how it vapes.

changing flavours in the same pod is entirely upto you. usually most flavours will take around 10 puffs to fully bring the new flavour through. heizenburg is a different story and you need a seperate pod for that one as the flavour will linger for months.

when you say feeling of burn, is that in the throat or in the chest. throat could be coil is not saturated enough so giving a slight dry burn which once you have you will never want again. this can be caused by higher vg like 70vg. i think these pods are more suited to 50/50.
some people are sensitive to pg and can give some side effects but not sure if it gives chest burn.

for future reference this might be worth bookmarking. a lot of suppliers only do higher vg but there are still plenty who do mtl 50/50 POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers

The only reason you would need different pods with different flavours is if you want to be able to have more than one flavour available at the same time. Can whip one pod out and chuck another one in. Helps avoid vapers tongue. If you only want to vape one flavour at a time then you can absolutely use just one pod and refill it with different flavours.

Pod noise tends to depend on the airflow design. Noisy pods are not at all uncommon.
Good advice above. In a nutshell:
- 50/50 liquids FTW (with pods)
- Two, even three pods to separate flavour profiles: Fruits and fresh, tobaccos, sweets and deserts (its easy to switch from lemon-lime to strawberry than lemon-lime to vanilla custard, for example)
- Burn is usually linked to sour/acid flavours and cold effect
- Caliburn noise? You dont know whats a noisy vape :D

Welcome, enjoy your vape trip.
It may also be worth trying different types of liquids such as Nic Salts and Hybrid liquids like the riot squad salts as these give a different throat hit. It's all down to preference but personally haven't had any issues with Vampire Vape
It's all down to preference but personally haven't had any issues with Vampire Vape
I would prefer to vape my own bile.
No, seriously. The problem with VV is not a question of issues, but flavour. In my own experience, when I purchased VV concentrates, its like tossing a dart to a spinning roulette, and the roulette have 47 disgusting options out of 50.
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I would prefer to vape my own bile.
No, seriously. The problem with VV is not a question of issues, but flavour. In my own experience, when I purchased VV concentrates, its like you tossing a dart to a spinning roulette, and the roulette have 47 disgusting options out of 50.
This ^

The 10ml bottles I used to get were all fine, but as soon as I bought concentrates they were awful, even using the recommended amounts.
I would prefer to vape my own bile.
This made me laugh, a lot. I've not had one VV flavour I've liked even remotely, they've all been shit. OP, if you tell us what flavour profile you like we can suggest better options.
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