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Changing flavours?


Oct 15, 2013
How do you change flavours (in something like the KFL)?

I've never had this problem before as I've always stuck with one boring liquid but now I'm trying new things I don't know how to change the flavour without having to rinse it out every time I want a different flavour.

I can only think that I will have to rinse it out when I want to change or buy a tank for each flavour I want during the day, but that could work out quite expensive.

I guess you could, once the tank is pretty much empty just fill it up with the new flavour but won't that taint the flavour with the previous flavour?

Are there any other ways to do this?

If I was to microcoil with cotton. Should I just replace the cotton when I want to change the flavour?

Sorry if this isn't in the right place. I didn't know where to put it.
I guess you could, once the tank is pretty much empty just fill it up with the new flavour but won't that taint the flavour with the previous flavour?

This is what I do a lot and you can stumble on some magic diy mixing flavours this way
If you want to do it properly - wash everything in warm water and if it's a citrus juice or a real stinker then leave to stand in a mild dose of Miltons or Vodka, wash out, put a new coil in and you're ready to go. If it's a similar juice then Nasty Boy is right, just vape on.
Have at least 5 mods and tanks on the go at once, that's what I do! It's just difficult to remember what's in which tank, so I use masking tape and write it on each one!!!

Seriously, I do....
P.S. If funds are a bit tight a good idea is to buy a decent set up for you're favourite juice and then either buy a dripper or some cheap Kanger T2's (or similar) for your other juices.
Thanks for your replies everyone.
Blossom 5 mods? wow. I don't think the wife would let me buy 5. Trying to sneak a KFL+ and a mech mod past her will be hard enough after I've just got a vamo v5. Maybe now I know about f/t I might get that many in dribs and drabs.
Soldier Blue I never thought of a dripper. Haven't looked into them or know anything about them. I guess I could get one for work as I could have juices on my desk and leave the KFL+ for home use with my favourite flavour in it. I take it you do as it says, just drip juice onto it? Any recommendation on a dripper?
Thanks for your replies everyone.
@Blossom 5 mods? wow. I don't think the wife would let me buy 5. Trying to sneak a KFL+ and a mech mod past her will be hard enough after I've just got a vamo v5. Maybe now I know about f/t I might get that many in dribs and drabs.
@Soldier Blue I never thought of a dripper. Haven't looked into them or know anything about them. I guess I could get one for work as I could have juices on my desk and leave the KFL+ for home use with my favourite flavour in it. I take it you do as it says, just drip juice onto it? Any recommendation on a dripper?

You're right - start off with something dirt cheap like a Bauway 306 Bridgeless and if you like it you can move up. I still use the Bauway's now, cheap as chips and great for trying juices. About 4 or 5 drips in, toke till the taste goes and drip again - simples. Also small and stealthy for work.
Thanks for your replies everyone.
Blossom 5 mods? wow. I don't think the wife would let me buy 5. Trying to sneak a KFL+ and a mech mod past her will be hard enough after I've just got a vamo v5. Maybe now I know about f/t I might get that many in dribs and drabs.
Soldier Blue I never thought of a dripper. Haven't looked into them or know anything about them. I guess I could get one for work as I could have juices on my desk and leave the KFL+ for home use with my favourite flavour in it. I take it you do as it says, just drip juice onto it? Any recommendation on a dripper?

That's a collection gathered over 6 months of vaping, it helps that Andy isn't interested in it enough to look closely at any of them! If asked I'd say I have "a couple" and quickly change the subject....

I haven't even fully admitted all the devices I have on my signature yet.....

Re a dripper, the Igo L or Igo W are simple starter drippers.
You're right - start off with something dirt cheap like a Bauway 306 Bridgeless and if you like it you can move up. I still use the Bauway's now, cheap as chips and great for trying juices. About 4 or 5 drips in, toke till the taste goes and drip again - simples. Also small and stealthy for work.

Cool. Thanks for that. I'll have a look into them.
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