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charger chips


Jul 14, 2014
What is the difference between the tp4056 chips used in most mods, and the sl1053 used in the usb-lead type ego battery chargers?
here's what I could figure out:

max power dissipation of sl1053 is 300mw
so max charging current, assuming it is connected to a 5V USB power supply and supplying 4.2V for charging is 300/(5-4.2) = 375mA.

The 4056 is rated to supply upto 1.2A of charging current in some cases, so I am assuming that's the difference.

Any further input based on your experience would be much appreciated
checked both data sheets, and they seem to be doing very similar jobs, apart from the fact the tp is doing it at a much better rate (faster)

i am trying to get a package with a tp in thats evolv charger board sized. I use the TP in a home made mod, and it works as it should but faster than evolvs or the usb type.

maybe i need to design a new small board for the big chip. Dont have the hardware chemicals or tank etc to make the boards anyone help?
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