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Chatbox Meet!


Staff member
Jul 10, 2012
Hello everyone!
Just to say that there will be a chatbox meet up (bottom of the homepage, when you're logged in) tomorrow evening (Fri 30th Nov 2012) at 9pm

I hope you can all make it and look forward to the pleasure of your company :)

Happy vaping!

P.S. If anybody has anything they would specifically like to talk about, let me know in advance and I'll get a chat room set up for you
ARGH ill be out with my kids then!
Sorry OS ill be with my lady ;) but ill try to log in before she arrives at about ten
Surely the hour before you lady is arrived is all about polishing your head?

no one wants to share a dirty drip tip?

and its always best to vape up I find .. starting the night with a loaded gun is never a good thing.
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