I've been having a browse around the info on the forum and looking at all the shiny vape kit online.
I've seen several posts mentioning fast tech, they seem to be a good place to get vape stuff from what I've read on here. What's about wish? Are they ok or are they more don't touch with a barge pole kind of deal? I don't want anything blowing up or any kit that I'd be hesitant to use due to worry.
I've been having a browse around the info on the forum and looking at all the shiny vape kit online.
I've seen several posts mentioning fast tech, they seem to be a good place to get vape stuff from what I've read on here. What's about wish? Are they ok or are they more don't touch with a barge pole kind of deal? I don't want anything blowing up or any kit that I'd be hesitant to use due to worry.