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Cleaning a Tornado tank


Jan 20, 2013
Hi, What would be the best way to clean a tornado tank, when changing to a different juice?
Probably just run them under water and let them dry, possibly use a bit of kitchen towel or tissue to help the process along. To be honest I'd just fill them up. Residual flavour should disappear quick enough unless its menthol :)
The reason I am asking is I am starting to get a slight burnt taste, and thought a proper clean may help. Should I use some boiled water for the clean? pouring in from the top?
Burny taste would be the wick/atomiser being gunked up
If you have it for more than a week or two my suggestion would be to just replace it as they are a consumable and I've tried every method of cleaning and dry burning but the best advice is just replace it for what they cost.

chers an happy vaping
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