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coffee concentrate , anyone tried t juice java juice or perfumers apprentice coffee


Sep 20, 2014
tried a couple of coffees from flvourart, aroma coffee is ok but does taste and smell more like toast than coffee, mixed it at 10% and left to steep for a week, tried abit every day but didnt get any better, so was going to try the T juice or the perfumers apprentice ones....anyone tried these or any other suggestions, cheers
There's a thread around here somewhere on how to make your own coffee concentrate. I'll see if I can find it
KUDOS I was like you once, looking for a coffee flavoured juice/conc trying to replicate my mornings brew.
NOT FRAKKING ONE GORRAM juice comes even close to even shitty coffee like nescafe or shitebucks.
NONE! Either plasticy tastes or just plain foul.

Gave up, realised that I'll stick to drinking coffee and I'll vape other flavours. A double espresso at the fantastic Sicilian deli up the road with either Mrs Lords ginger Nut or a creamy custard - ooh baby....:D

But will try Chegs method to have one last go!
Java Juice is ok for a creamy coffee if I remember I sent @bladesmansw to try
tried a couple of coffees from flvourart, aroma coffee is ok but does taste and smell more like toast than coffee, mixed it at 10% and left to steep for a week, tried abit every day but didnt get any better, so was going to try the T juice or the perfumers apprentice ones....anyone tried these or any other suggestions, cheers
I've tried a few coffees, ignoring all the milky ones and cappuccinos) because I love a rich, dark espresso.
Flavourart's concentrates are strong. Their Coffee Espresso (Aroma Caffe) would be better at 5-8% IMO, that you're tasting burnt toast (or burnt beans?) suggests you've mixed too much in. Start at 5% and build up. I think it's one of the best espresso flavours out there, though it is all down to personal taste.

DV's Doppio Espresso is also high on my list. Mixed at 10%, it's a full flavour with a hint of nuttiness about it. Though you must marm and mix the concentrate thoroughly as it separates when standing.

Inawera's Coffee (Kawa) for me is more like a straight, black filter coffee taste.

From Chef's Vapour, Lew's Brew has some good reports but I've not tried it myself.
cheers guys for all the info

@EmbraSewerRat i have found one nice ready made coffee, 80% vg and i think it has a nice expresso taste, been using it for a year or so http://www.thebestecigarette.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=59_98&product_id=433

@scumpox tried it at 5% and couldnt taste it even after 3 days, so added the other 5....maybe gone to far so will dilute down a bit more cheers, lews brews is out of stock but will look into the others
juggles, do you think you could use distilled water instead of pg....would make the filtering easier, cheers for the link

ordered a few different ones from ChefsVapour, will update once had a play with them, ordered the tjuice java juice and 3 from the cappella range, cappuccino/coffee/ cup of joe
postman dropped these through my door today, just mixed up 50ml with 5% ratio of the expresso, already this smells more like a strong coffee, will give it 24 hours and give it a vape then feedback

ok, impressed with the espresso, it tastes and smells like a strong turkish straight coffee, ended up with 10% flavour mix in 90% boots VG / 6 nic VG....it hits hard and not one for people that like a milky coffee with sugar, in the end cut it back with some premade cappuccino, 10% of that took the edge off and added some depth...even the wife was impressed, said it smelt like when i grind java beans, going to mix a little of some ry4 into to see if it can get that smokey after taste of certain South American coffees.....but as a base for proper coffee it is ticking lots of boxes
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