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Coffee extract


Feb 6, 2015
I want to make some coffee concentrate from ground coffee...has anyone tried it successfully /?
isn't there one you like allready made as a concentrate? it seems like a pain in the butt to me!
Buy FlavorArt coffee espresso concentrate. It tastes exactly like espresso, but be warned, it is the single most potent flavour known to man. I mixed it at 1% and it was SUPER strong. I then added a few drops of that mix to a full tank of a different juice and it totally dominated that juice also. I think the best way to use it might be to mix it with PG at 1% and then use that as a concentrate at, fuck knows, I haven't found out yet, but probably 2% would be a good starting point. A 10ml bottle should last you forever.
just made my own concentrate this weekend , easy peasy. im vaping it now great taste.
i got about 30 beans from my local coffee shop.
I asked for a mild one as i dont like it to strong.
put about 20 beans in a table spoon and tried to crush them a little bit with another spoon.
then found the best way was one bean at a time , use just a bit of pressure between the two spoons as you dont want it ground.
then i put them in a little glass dish pored enough pg to just cover them.
then in the micro wave for about ten seconds just to heat them up a bit.
then give them a stir and leave to cool.
you should now have a brown liquid with coffee bits in it. leave it for about another hour for the flavour to come through a bit more.
i then used a bit of fine muslin i got from the local haberdashery shop ,( cheap as chips for half a mitre. ) to strain into a 10ml bottle gave it a shake and left overnight as i had to go out.
then check to see if there are any bits in it still if there is just give it another strain through the muslin.
i got about 8ml of concentrate . mixed it at 10% and i was shocked how good it turned out.
it sounds a lot of work when you type it. but the whole proses apart from the waiting took about 15 minutes.
i think i can make about another 40ml with what i have left in the bottle.
it only started out as tester to see if it would work. well pleased with the result. off to get some more beans. cheap as chips lovely coffee concentrate . JUST MAKE SURE YOU STRAIN THE BITS OUT. and you are good to go.
Is that safe? I thought you were never meant to vape anything with oil in it. Your concentrate will have oil from the beans.
Thanks for the link jugg1es, i did wonder about the oil content , so i dripped a few drops of concentrate in a glass of water to see if any oil would float , and there didn't seem to be any sign of oil. it just mixed in with the water.
i am not saying there isn't any but it didn't show up.
would the oil not stay on the surface?
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