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Coil spacing


Feb 11, 2013
I was always under the impression that when recoiling the coils should be separated. Looking at all these new fangled micro coils they seem to touch. Can I recoil my PT2 Mini this way with a whole bunch of coils close together? What effect will it have if any?
The effect will be lower resistance. Touching coils is fine, but overlapping coils will cause a short.
Nice one, christ I've buggered about countless times to get them all nicely spaced for no reason whatsoever.
Nice one, christ I've buggered about countless times to get them all nicely spaced for no reason whatsoever.

Its all down to the kind of vape that you like, I space nearly all of my coils. There's no right or wrong, it's just a different experience.
we all did fella when it comes to vaping even months later with all i've learned every day is still a school day
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