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Coils for Lemo Drop


Oct 23, 2014
I have recently bought the Lemo Drop which I really like! Not having built any coils yet I was wondering which pre made coils from fasttech I should get. Dont know anything about which gage wire to get or anything else to do with making my own coils! I will be avidly watching some videos on coiling but in the mean time if I could get the pre made ones it would be great. I don't particularly want sub ohm coils more 1.2 or 1.5ohm for mouth to lung vaping. I have looked on fastech site and there are so many I don't know which to get! Any help really appreciated!
You'll be looking at having coils made from 0.32mm/28 gauge wire. Say 6 or 7 wraps with a 2.5mm inner diameter. should come in about 1/2 ohms.

Have a wee fiddle about on this site - Coil wrapping | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators and see what you get do with what. Well worth a fair few minutes of your time.

Thanks for that I will have a good look at it. Now to look on fasttech to find the coils you mentioned.
Talk tae John at Blue Pig vaping, he'll sort you right out and at worst you'll have the coils by wednesday.
Thanks for that I will have a good look at it. Now to look on fasttech to find the coils you mentioned.

get yourself some kanthal a little screwdriver some tweezers and a cheap blow torch,you will end up buying it all eventually anyway ;)
I have some premaids with silica, about 1.8 ohms I'll also make you a few microcoils and throw in some muji for you to experiment with, drop me a PM I have a fail safe way of wicking my Lemo 2 I'd be happy to share ;)
I have some premaids with silica, about 1.8 ohms I'll also make you a few microcoils and throw in some muji for you to experiment with, drop me a PM I have a fail safe way of wicking my Lemo 2 I'd be happy to share ;)

Brilliant thanks! PM sent
I put a question on here about the Lemo coils and one of our fellow apes (itcher) very kindly offered to send me some coils and muju cotton to have a play with. They arrived this morning so can't wait toi give it a try, Have ordered everything I need to make my own coils just waiting for it all to arrive but now thanks to itcher I can have a go while waiting. I really just wanted to say THANK YOU!!
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