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Colour change


Jan 16, 2014
Hi, I was wondering if I can colour my eliquid? I was thinking of food colouring. Is this a good idea & has anyone tried this with good results?
You can do it but it's not really a great thing unless you know what is in the colours. At the end of the day most of us vape because we didn't want to put loads of unnecessary crap in our lungs so why add stuff you don't need into your juice? I know coloured juice does look cool though. (I also don't know which colours are vape safe!).
Yeah it's a tricky one, food colouring doesn't appear to be harmfull - & it would be cool to vape blueberry that is coloured blue & orange coloured orange etc. agree don't want any crap in there,
Perhaps something for the future, who knows! Thanks Purplefowler :)
Black is a bitch :P Blue and red are fine provided you use natural colourings that don't contain any nasty chemicals :)
Thanks Wren, il look into it, I'm friends with jim (mr kraken) - il see what his thoughts are. Squid ink by mr
Kraken is a great vape :-) I haven't tried any of his other flavours (yet!)
Jim any chance you could colour my next batch of squid ink, please? Or what can I use to do it myself? Ps. It's fletch!
Quality, thanks m8, your having a bit of time off @ the mo - back on the 28th?
Yeah i noticed the time off as well, was gutted, wanted some squid ink to take on ship with me, it can wait though!
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