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coming soon "Gnomon" a dna75c 18650 stabwood hybrid mod sterling silver


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
when you hear a clock tick or the rhythm of the tool, saw, file cutting that's time passing. I hear it every day a monitor beeping or the top trace line, even my machines in the workshop have a rhythm of time passing....

but its cruel its always fleeing, time is something you can never get back.

before we had clocks we had sundials. the cast of the shadow. as simple as a stick in the sand is the rotation of the planet and the guide to this is the "Gnomon" it's the name of the stick that cast the shadow.

time for me at the moment is precious I'm struggling with it and after a late-night phone call tonight time is catching up. it will stop soon like all wound clocks they stop they show the correct time twice a day but that's the cruelness of time.

"Gnomon" means the one that knows.....


Really interesting Stu. Let's see how you passed the time with this one.
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