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Compact vv mod


May 14, 2013
Hi guys after receiving my lava tube through and trying it for a few days I have decided its not for me it's feels very bulky in the hand I am going to buy another mod over the next few days but I don't know what to go for.
Preferably I'd like it to be shorter if it takes an 18 diameter battery so maybe an 18350 or some thing smaller in diameter that take something like a 14500?
the mod needs to be vv, please can anyone help?
if it makes any difference I'm using a kanger protank.

many thanks in advance
I did think of the robust and also a vamo with an 18350, I guess I'll just sell the lava tube with 2 18500 batts hopefully I can buy a new mod with the money from that as the money I had set aside for a decent mod has gone on car tax

keep the suggestions coming guys I'm interested to hear what ppl think especially those with a robust, stubby vamo or similar .
I'm interested to hear what ppl think especially those with a robust, stubby vamo or similar .

I have a Vamo and it's a biiiiig heavy clumsy mutha in "long" mode, and still quite a heavy/bulky mother (notice "mutha" toned down in perspective) in short mode. I also have a Vision Spinner and an eGo Twist. Both of these alternatives are equally as effective at VV, and a shedload lighter and carry-outdoors-able (< I've invented a new word!). The Spinner IMHO has the edge 'cos it's fatter and shorter so it sits upright better on your table.
I just got a sigelei zmax v3 telescopic and am seriously impressed with it. It will run on 18350 (single or stacked) and 18650 or anything in between. In single 18350 mode it fits nicely in the hand 20130531_225745.jpg
I honestly think its an incredible mod for the money (£70 for the mod, 2 unbranded 18650's, charger and a few other bits from juiceshop). Bargain methinks!
If you type in ego x6 i think thats the name they are vv but only upto 4.2 i think fasttech has them cheap.
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