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Confused new vaper

Mark Fortune

Sep 17, 2018
Hi guys

Not sure if I’ve posted this in the right place, first time on herne

Basically just after some advice. Couple of weeks back I bought a SMOK Prince stick, I was only after something simple so was recommended this. I went through the coil that come with it and also the spare one, the taste was amazing and really powerful so I was very pleased. I’ve just purchased another pack of coils, the same as the ones provided and for some reason it’s like the power has been cut in half. I’m hardly getting no hit from it and having to lung it just to get something half acceptable. I’ve tried another coil from the pack and it’s the same. Just wondering if anyone could offer any advice as to whether it’s the coils or the device itself.

Cheers everyone
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Maybe the replacement coils differ in ohms/resistance, in my early vaping days i was sold a coil pack that didn't deliver what my stock pen stick coils did(1.1/1.2 vs 1.6 ohms iirc) and it was a disappointing vape to say the least(those things are still sat in my drawer, belong in the bin but that feels wasteful - might find a use for them in the future).

You may have got compatible coils, but coils that run at a lower resistance will feel very different if you're use to something higher.
It's certainly not uncommon to get terrible smok coils. Even an entire pack could be ropey. Unfortunately that's a common theme with smok coils. Been there done that.
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