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Copying cnts Origin V2

Geordie Rob

May 2, 2014
Just seen the Origen v2 clone is available at Anglefiremods, new it was only a mater of time before V2 clones started dropping.

For those wanting a bit of not really Norbert's latest for 20quid.

I hazard a guess it will be a good vape.
They've been around quite a while. Some of the version 1s had no single coil option & 4 sets of 3 air holes in the main body. Like most of the rda clones it has the standard type of pos screw, not so good. I picked up one of those fake atomics to have a look at & that was a similar affair, some kind of lighter grade alloy or like for the base & posts. Like all looks & no fire. Pity because the top cap was quite impressive.
They've been around quite a while. Some of the version 1s had no single coil option & 4 sets of 3 air holes in the main body. Like most of the rda clones it has the standard type of pos screw, not so good. I picked up one of those fake atomics to have a look at & that was a similar affair, some kind of lighter grade alloy or like for the base & posts. Like all looks & no fire. Pity because the top cap was quite impressive.

Aye i had a v1 clone before v2 genuine, hadnt seen any v2s in the UK tho just the odd pre-order ebay thing I may of missed it. The V1 Tobeco I had vaped very well (correct air holes) just the overall quality in the device wasnt as tight if you know what I mean.

Could be worth a punt for someone tho could be a really good vape, and if they like it they can haunt the F5 like the rest of us. Trying to copy the underside of it tho is a bit shite if you ask me.
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Ive got a v1 and v2 both without the engravings think there both tobeco so there taking not or just cant be bothered with that bit lol

There my go too drippers now and id had to many problems with others to be asked to be bothered with the faff

Im gonna be on the look out for a real job as sighn of appreciation once ive got a few bills out the way :)
Ive got a v1 and v2 both without the engravings think there both tobeco so there taking not or just cant be bothered with that bit lol

There my go too drippers now and id had to many problems with others to be asked to be bothered with the faff

Im gonna be on the look out for a real job as sighn of appreciation once ive got a few bills out the way :)

V1 genuine didnt have owt on the bottom norbert put them on 2 to try and fail with the clones think the one at anglefire and one I seen on ebay with engraving is Infenite.

Like i say the v1 clone I had thought it was great, and getting a pucka one is a right PITA but is worth it if and when the funds allow, clone world for me presently ati wise skint should have a kraken to play with tomorrow first foray into gennys.
Aye i had a v1 clone before v2 genuine, hadnt seen any v2s in the UK tho just the odd pre-order ebay thing I may of missed it. The V1 Tobeco I had vaped very well (correct air holes) just the overall quality in the device wasnt as tight if you know what I mean.

Could be worth a punt for someone tho could be a really good vape, and if they like it they can haunt the F5 like the rest of us. Trying to copy the underside of it tho is a bit shite if you ask me.

Yup, that's the way the cookie crumbles. On the one hand at the cheaper price you get some sort of take on the original & the vape ought to be good if the dimensions are the same, can't hide from it but for my own part i can't stand it, it's just something in my head that when i use the device i just know what it is, my bug or disposition. There's something about material quality, the grade & the machine finish often i've found, then the way the posts are formed, some of my best hitting attys have the negative posts machined out of the base, no screw-fix, not even a weld although they got round that at norbert with a simple screw set up. It's all good & it's all bad, no, it's all ok & it's all wrong, no, it's all something...
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