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Could this be the start of something!!!


May 9, 2014
whats good people.

I have been searching high and low for a good deal on the VAMO V5,

I was not to concerned about the batteries because i plan on buying those separately, Same goes for the charger, i don't want to take no chances with budget batteries/chargers.

This is going to be my first ever mod, i have only ever used the cigarette shaped e-cig models in the past and there just not cutting it anymore.

This is the best deal i have found after searching for over 2 days haha.
Vamo V5 Full Kit SS - Mods

Are there better ones out there that i have missed.?.

when clicking that link they give you a choice of a free clearomizer, what one would you choose. i plan on getting a couple of NATUREVAPE midi's and an aerotank to start with, but which one would YOU choose for the 'free option' with the deal.

Im excited about this vaping stuff, i only joined the forum yesterday, i checked POTV before i brushed my teeth this morning haha.

I am a total vaping amateur and appreciate any help i get from you guys...



Out of that list, I would go with either the Aerotank, or if you want a bit of variety, the evod/T3 option.

I deleted your other post as it had exactly the same content and I figured it was posted by mistake :)
Vamo V5 is brilliant and got mine from myepack, got to be cheapest in the uk and great service also

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Flux The deal you have selected is the best deal currently as comes with an excellent charger (Nitecore) and good quality batteries (Efest) ;)

I would go with the evods for the free option, still using my evods :D
I would go Aerotank, I have an ss vamo v2 and they work really well with it. I have got all my aerotanks from myepack. Would advise maybe getting a 5 pack of coil heads. Go for whatever resistance you want, I prefer the 1.5 ohms.
Bought the exact same kit from myepack a few months ago, but with the addition of a Protank 2, looks bloody silly using a 18650 battery, but just about ok with a 18350, so I bought another spare 18350 a week later, moved on a little since then, but great bit of kit for the price and a top class vendor.
I'm using a iclear 30s at the minute, it's a thirsty beast but gives great flavour. The coil has lasted me just over 2 weeks, it's on its way out but not terrible (no burnt taste just the flavour is lacking)

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to be honest i was going to go for the vamo but decided on the SVD which is an awesome bit of kit, again massive in 18650 mode but kicks out some lovely clouds,

i went with the iclear XI which is an awesome tank i would recomend it , great flavor, good draw and looks awesome to imo :)
ok guys, with your knowledge, guidance and the help of Google i think i am ready to spend some of that hard earned cash.

i have gone for the...

Vamo V5 kit i mentioned above with two free EVODs - £54.99
Kanger Aerotank (ebay) - £7.99
naturevape midi pro clearomizer - £20.49

Before i go for this am i missing anything except some better batteries.

After i buy some juice and the batts it will be in the £100 mark so wanna make sure i am spending this cash right.

thankyou for all previous/future posts.

ok guys, with your knowledge, guidance and the help of Google i think i am ready to spend some of that hard earned cash.

i have gone for the...

Vamo V5 kit i mentioned above with two free EVODs - £54.99
Kanger Aerotank (ebay) - £7.99
naturevape midi pro clearomizer - £20.49

Before i go for this am i missing anything except some better batteries.

After i buy some juice and the batts it will be in the £100 mark so wanna make sure i am spending this cash right.

thankyou for all previous/future posts.


if you buy the pack from myepack the batteries and charger that come with it are pretty good, im more than happy with mine, i ordered an extra 18650 battery with my SVD pack to make sure i never run dry,

with regards to your juices, have fun :) lots out there to try , i have the problem of every time i find a new gourmet flavor i have to order, done it again today buying another 40.00 from spiritusvapes . hands up vape addict right here lol
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