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Council Freezes Permits for ECIG Stores US




Taked from FB
please e mail your e cig story to
the Mansfield Mayor and city council please help us keep ecigs available in Mansfield
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
So for their estimated 2 months they hope to collate all the data on e-cigs and the possible harmful effects, that will be another business to go under due to lost revenue!
it is bloody ridiculous!
This is just the warm up. Rm, then oversea borders returning parcels. piece at a time public areas are banning vaping. This is all happening around us in bits and bobs
until we're strangled into a corner. Then we're powerless. I've been reading all these little bits of "small" news, and they are slowly but surely building up, giving us a bad name.
At the moment, we have no one to turn to, and no one is really doing anything for us that's actually getting us anywhere. It's all words, but no one is listening.
I was just going to slip into a rage when I noticed it was Mansfield in the USA.:whiteflag: I hate the Mayor of Mansfield where I live with a passion.
Bouyed up by the recent victory at the EU, I have put my cynicism to one side and emailed the councilors.
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