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Courtney Love and NJOY Ecigs

Njoy - new e-cig Advert with Courtney Love

The new advert for the Njoy King - features american singer Courtney Love.

At a posh event, a stuck-up, full of herself old lady tells Courtney:
"you can't smoke in here"

To which she gets the reply:
"Relax, it's a F**CKING NJOY !"
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The new advert for the Njoy King - features american singer Courtney Love.

At a posh event, a stuck-up, full of herself old lady tells Courtney:
"you can't smoke in here"

To which she gets the reply:
"Relax, it's a F**CKING NJOY !"

Hmmm... what this seems to promote mostly is bad manners. The perception that you can just vape anywhere without asking permission needs to be changed imho.
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Not who I would choose to front an ad campaign. Isn't she the Yoko Ono of her generation?
I love Courtney love (although the last album was abit meh!). I do agree that she possibly isn't the best role model though :D
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