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CTA: Bumper Easter Special


May 5, 2014
Call to Action 2.3.15 (Bumper Easter Special)

We normally pick 3 - sometimes it's hard to whittle it down, sometimes we struggle to find three specific and topical things to suggest (that's quite rare though!). In honour of the double bank holiday and all that free time, we are presenting 5 actions this week. As ever, some are quick and easy, some take a bit of thought and effort. So, without further ado ...

You can help promote vaping this week by:

1) Signing this short but sweet petition to the EU: Petition · Council of the European Union: STOP ECIG BAN · Change.org

2) Take the ECF Big Survey – it's surveys like this that give advocates ammunition in the fight against the ANTZ. The more people answer, the more powerful that ammunition is! It is a big survey (took me about 10 mins – the clue's in the title) but there is a prize draw! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ECF2015a

3) Start thinking about attending and promoting this demo on 29th May 2015 – there's a Facebook page in the link, join it. Its only if actions like this actually happen that the TPD will be reconsidered (barring a TW win of course). Call to Action: EVP 2015

4) This one speaks for itself: http://goo.gl/hzM6xC but it might lead to more of this - Tobacco Free CA poster on E-cigarettes backfires | Kicker Daily News

5) Complain to the GMC about Dr George Rae (his GMC registration number is 1327616). He featured on a radio show saying that ecigs were worse than smoking, specifically citing the presence of nitrosamines in ecigs as more likely to cause cancer than the tar from cigarettes. Actually listening to him is probably riskier than smoking a fag, so here's a transcript: http://goo.gl/trHmIS Here's something from Dr Farsalinos to back up your complaint (its easy to find others): http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/2013-04-07-09-50-07/120-e-cigs-nitrosamines. Here's some specific research about the levels of nitrosamines in ecigs (Table 2 is the biggie): http://goo.gl/c2W5n8 This action takes the most effort, but calling out individuals like this is the steady chipping away at the mountain of ignorance that just has to be done if vaping is to prevail. You can complain (it lets you save and return) here: http://www.gmc-uk.org/concerns/making_a_complaint/23365.asp?WT.ac=MCSC140122.
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That is the one I have left to do (I did the easy stuff first) is it fairly straight forward?

I guess you've done it by now, but yes, very simple.

1 + 2 done too.
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