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Custard fans take note: Frenilla is here!


Founder of All The Juices
Sep 30, 2013
Frenilla is a top quality vapour juice that captures the rich, decadent and complex flavours of a traditional French Vanilla that is produced with an egg custard base. This is a *deep steep* flavour, mixed on 22nd April 2014 and was released here 9th May as it comes into it's prime.

With more of Nicoticket's in-house vanilla bean steep that forms the base of Custard's Last Stand and Crème Brûlée, this is as close to an ADV as I've ever tasted.

Get it here

the money shot


the detail

*50/50 PG/VG

*Frenilla contains more of Nicoticket's in-house vanilla bean steep than any of their other Vanilla offerings. (Custards Last Stand, Creme Brulee).

*It's the "long tail" of the steep - anything they have left after making CLS/CB/H1N1 for 30 days goes into Frenilla when the next vanilla-bean steep matures.

*Although it vapes plenty good fresh out of the box, many users prefer to let this one steep 3-4 weeks so that a "creamy" texture emerges. If I had this in an order, I would probably save the best for last. NOTE: 30 Days from Mix Date steep time is the MINIMUM recommendation.

* Huge ADV potential.

* Slightly muted in clearomizers (Protank, Protank 2, Kanger T3S, CE4) - typical clearo performance - still a fantastic vape with simple equipment.

* Clear enough for a carto w/ or without a tank. Tasted great in a two punched BOGE510SR (Prive Tanked, 50/50).

* Extensively tested on 500mesh (RSST) - also cotton genny build (Richman Hybrid).

* Highly variable with regard to a wattage sweet spot - highly dependant on the device you are using and/or your personal taste.

* High wattage friendly - hard to "scorch."

* Easily the best "mixing" liquid on my line-up. Mixes well with a wide variety of bakery style vapes, fruits, and tobaccos. Mixes particularly well with RY4 style tobaccos. Mixes very well with chocolate vapes.

Did I mention, you can get it here
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