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daft questions


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
Hi, I've been vaping and off full fat ciggys for a week now.
Its fantastic and I'm very into it.
So just a few silly questions :30:

My sleep has been all over the place, I checked out the NHS website and it said it was common with nicotine withdrawal. As I'm still getting my fix, has anyone else experienced this? If so how long until it went to normal?

Vaping in public, I haven't been to the pub yet, and I'm a bit nervous. Has anyone got any advice?

The cheep eshishas that are on eBay etc, what is the difference between them and the more expensive brands? Is there a massive difference, could someone explain a bit about that please?

Thanks for answering my sillyness

How many cigs did you smoke before and what is the MG for the eliquid you are using now?

We absorb nicotine through e-liquid differently than through regular cigarettes and it could be that you are either on too high a mg or too low.

Welcome to the Planet :)
As for vaping in public you just have to jump in. Check first that the landlord is ok with vaping on his premises and then go for it. Most independant pubs are fine and you'd be surprised how many other people are already doing it. It does feel abit odd at first and you will feel self conscious at first but it soon passes. Most people are intrigued by ecigs so you will probably get people coming over to find out more. Good luck!
My sleep patterns have improved immensely now that I'm not waking up at 4am for a cough! We all react differently to the change but I reckon you'll settle down to a decent kip pretty quickly.

Vaping and pubs is very much a grey area. Some allow it, some don't. Expect to be banished to the smoking areas in most places but you'll develop your stealth-vaping technique to get a quick fix there. Unless you're a hardened urban warrior it's probably best not to start a row - remember pub landlords have the right to make their own rules and consideration for others, however ignorant they may be, is always a good thing.

I wouldn't bother with most eBay suppliers since you'll get good deals from elsewhere. Check out the Marketplace section here and the vendor reviews. I've bought all my gear and juice from links and recommendations I've followed on this forum.
Hi @juju, welcome to the Planet! :welcome1:

First of all , no question is a daft question! :)

I actually had the opposite to you and started sleeping a lot better, but I used to have to get up 2-3 times a night to go for a wee but because vaping can dehydrate you slightly (keep drinking!) those have stopped so I actually sleep through which is just amazing as I have ME and trying to recharge energy is a struggle as it is.

As for vaping in public, I wave mine about all over the place and don't give a toss. I actually like people seeing me use it so I'm asked about it and could potentially get the person asking to stop smoking. In my almost 4 weeks of vaping I've converted 3 people already!
As for asking in the pub, I have mine in my hand so they can see it isn't a cigalike and I ask if I can 'vape' rather than use my e-cigarette, I find dropping the C bomb as it were instantly makes unaware staff think it's illegal/smelly or whatever else they associate smoking with.

Try and avoid eBay if you can - there are a ton of vendors online, the Marketplace portal here is fabulous that offer just as competitive prices but with much more confidence, a good place to look is the vendor reviews section of this forum :)
Hi, thank you for the reply.
I'm on 24mg, used to smoke around 20 a day.
Do you xthink im on a to strong liquid?
Juju xx
Hi, thank you for the replys &nbsp;</p>
I'm on 24mg, used to smoke around 20 a day.</p>
Do you xthink im on a to strong liquid?&nbsp;</p>
Juju &nbsp;xx</p>
It varies, I would buy an 18mg and see how you go.
Me and my partner both used to smoke around 20 a day - he prefers 24mg, I prefer 18, again, like the taste of juices I think the nic levels are a personal thing - there are guidelines out there but they are just basic outlines.
Me an my missus both smoked 20 a day and are both on 18mg. Only been vaping a few days and can feel the difference already. Haven't even thought about stinkies...at all. On another note, went to local shop the other day, full of school kids and the smell was vile...the stench of stale tobacco made me wretch. I also had some tobacco e liquid, tried it and couldn't stand it....happily vaping fruit flavours and the wife likes anything minty....loving it.
24mg is too strong for a 20 a day smoker i would reckon.
I was on 20-30 fags a day and went with 18mg juice, and found that fine.
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