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Derringer wicking


Jan 23, 2016
I just built a 10-wrap 24g kanthal micro coil around a 2.0mm jig.. And boy, the burnt taste! I'm wicking it the same I do all of my single coils, both on and off my derringer. No idea what the issue is. It's a bad picture, but this is my deck right now. I re-wicked a moment ago and the burnt taste is still there, but in the background.

Boy I need a better camera.

I'd suggest its because being 2mm and a lot of wraps the centre of the wick/middle of the coil is cant keep up. Maybe try a larger diameter with less wraps, giving the wick a chance to do its job.
I'd suggest its because being 2mm and a lot of wraps the centre of the wick/middle of the coil is cant keep up. Maybe try a larger diameter with less wraps, giving the wick a chance to do its job.

I reduced it to dual-coil 8 wrap 2mm and it's doing better.. Next time I rebuild I'll do 6 wrap 2.5mm
It could be that it's just too tight a long tube and the cotton in the middle is not getting juice. Did you dry-burn it and fix any hot-spots before wicking?

A pair of 6-wrap 28 gauge coils at 2mm will not be much lower resistance (0.5ohm vs the 0.7ohm your 10 wrap would probably give). More space for airflow and less distance for juice to wick inside the coils. Even 6 wraps will still be much less distance for juice to travel and the ramp-up time on them will be a lot less due to the reduced mass of the coils.

Will be less surface area but if you are up to claptoning them then that will fix that. This is pretty much (one less wrap) what I put in my derringer and the flavour and vapour are great.

I think trying to place your coil more centrally between the outside and inside of the deck will promote airflow as well and help keep the coil(s) at a more even temperature once they get hot.
It could be that it's just too tight a long tube and the cotton in the middle is not getting juice. Did you dry-burn it and fix any hot-spots before wicking?

A pair of 6-wrap 28 gauge coils at 2mm will not be much lower resistance (0.5ohm vs the 0.7ohm your 10 wrap would probably give). More space for airflow and less distance for juice to wick inside the coils. Even 6 wraps will still be much less distance for juice to travel and the ramp-up time on them will be a lot less due to the reduced mass of the coils.

Will be less surface area but if you are up to claptoning them then that will fix that. This is pretty much (one less wrap) what I put in my derringer and the flavour and vapour are great.

I think trying to place your coil more centrally between the outside and inside of the deck will promote airflow as well and help keep the coil(s) at a more even temperature once they get hot.

I definitely removed all hot spots. I usually work spaced since I never get hot spots and the vape is a lot smoother Imo. The coils are placed there because, from what I've heard on most Derringer tutorials, it increases flavour and stops spitback. I think my next build will be closer to the posts just to test it!
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