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Dicodes Dani Box Mini


Mod Maker
Jul 12, 2017
Hi apes,

Don’t worry I’m not selling my dani box mini, this is my mate at work’s one; we ordered them together.

This is truly an amazing mod, and the quality just oozes through, I love mine and it’s definitely a ‘keeper’ in my book.

Anyway, he ended up dropping the mod on the floor and scratching the screen and top plate. He asked me to take a look and I ended up removing the plastic screen protector and refinishing the top plate for him. However, I think he fell out of love and has asked me to sell it for him.

I think the mod actually looks quite good without the screen cover on it and it cleaned up very well, with only atty scratches left as I didn’t want to go too mad.

The mod works 100% and is in otherwise good condition.

The screen itself is perfect and you’d really have to know these mods to know that anything was different to be honest.

With that in mind he’s asked me to put it up for half price. We paid £211 each for the mods delivered so this is up for £105 delivered.

Bargain if I say so myself and well worth it for a dicodes mod.




Sorry apes, SOLD!
That was a bargain.

How did you buff out the damage to the metal, mate?

I dropped and trod on mine. It’s very light superficial damage but having it there irks me.
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