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Did Manchester City Overreact To E-Cigarette User? Read more at http://www.talksport.




It's not uncommon for football clubs to eject unruly fans, and even suspend or confiscate season tickets in instances of exceptionally bad behaviour, like throwing objects onto the pitch, acting unruly in the stands, or continual use of foul or abusive language. However, it’s been reported that Manchester City has taken away the season ticket of one of their loyal fans for something seemingly innocuous: using an e-cigarette. Did they overreact?
According to numerous reports, the football fan in question was enjoying a drink with friends in the concourse when he took a draw from his electronic cigarette device. Security immediately approached him and escorted him into a room where he was questioned and told that vaping on the grounds was not allowed. Security then confiscated his season ticket and escorted them out of the stadium.
Days later the fan received a letter from City’s head of security, Peter Fletcher, who informed him his season ticket was henceforth suspended unless a reasonable explanation could be offered. Fletcher wrote:
"This is a prohibited item as mentioned in the terms and conditions of your season ticket. I have now suspended your season ticket pending any explanation that you may wish to give. Any representations you may wish to make must be in writing."
[h=2]A Question of Common Sense[/h]Since the story broke some weeks ago there have been many questions raised about whether or not Fletcher used common sense when dealing with the e-cig using fan. Those who agree with Fletcher's decision point out that the language banning electronic cigarettes in the stadium is clearly spelled out. They say the fan is being appropriately punished for engaging in an activity that some people find offensive.
On the other side of the coin there are those who believe both the actions of Fletcher and his security team were at the very least an overreaction, if not pretty heavy-handed as well. They say compared to some of the other things that go on at City games, using a Vapestick electronic cigarette on the concourse is relatively mild. Perhaps a first warning might have been more appropriate than what actually transpired.
Maybe a better way to handle the situation would have been for the security team to address the fan by saying something like, "you're not allowed to use your electroniccigarette here; please put it away." Had the fan continued vaping out of plain belligerence then there might have been some cause for further action. But, by all accounts, the fan offered no resistance at all.
[h=2]Different Standards[/h]One of the more interesting aspects of this story has to do with the different standards being exercised by different football clubs. While the use of electronic cigarettes is not allowed at Manchester City, other clubs, like Burnley, are openly embracing the tobacco alternative. In fact, that team might even end up selling e-cigarettes branded with its own name, if it can work out an appropriate deal with an e-cig brand.
Football clubs that are embracing e-cigarettes are doing so with the knowledge that many of their fans are smokers who are limiting their time in the stadiums due to restrictive smoking bans. If endorsing e-cigarettes will get those fans back to games and spending money on other things like food and drinks, it seems like a worthwhile thing to do. Add to that the marketing funds that teams could earn through deals or sponsorships with e-cig brands and it all starts to make good sense.
When all is said and done, every football club has the right to determine what will or will not be allowed within their facilities. Unfortunately, in this case it didn't work out too well for the Manchester City fan in question. Perhaps in future, steps might be taken to ensure incidents like this are handled with a little more common sense.

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I really dont think we can answer this question because we are not in receipt of the full facts. I can only speak from experience, and at Bristol City, they are allowed, but frowned upon if that makes sense.

I took the VAMO and that was a no no, whilst it was an excellent conversation point, it was deemed as a weapon and had to be left at the turnstile till after the match. Second time eGo taken, and it was fine. I was told to be very discreet and subtle, or other fans could believe I was smoking and then spark up like a flock of sheep.

On both occasions, I was courteous, didnt cause a fuss and respected the wishes of the stewards. This is the key, and cant help but wonder how the fan handled this situation. A no is a no, and if he is a repeat offender, what other course of action was open to the football club??
Taking away a season ticket to Man City? ... seems more like a narrow escape than a punishment. Only joking City fans. ;)

Definitely sounds like an over the top response to me. Maybe the head of security is a fervent anti smoking zealot and wanted to abuse his authority to make an example?

Given the high costs of following a premier league football team these days and also that the chap was a loyal enough fan to buy a season ticket that probably coat a fortune, you'd think they might have shown a bit more restraint.
Personally I don't think it was over reacted, there are stewards on the ground not only to look out for trouble but also PPL smoking and lets face it from a distance vaping does look like smoking and if they allowed vaping you can bet someone will try to light up on the ground. I only think from a H&S issue this would cause. I know I vape where I would never of smoked but on the stand at a saints match, I never have as yet :), but I have come close to throwing at our winger melli the big jat pudding he is pmsl
Think this says it all to be fair.

This is a prohibited item as mentioned in the terms and conditions

So he was in the wrong and got punished as a result. Is that not how it should be? But banning a season ticket that is a bit O.T.T & they are not cheap, but maybe then again it sets a precedence for others.
Dude cocked up, dude got his collar fealt, fair enough.

Dude SEEMINGLY offered no resistance and ceased on demand.

If that be the case, a warning may have been more appropriate.

That said, if dude didn't ask before he started vaping, dude is a pillock!

Vapemonkey's golden rule... ALWAYS ask first :)
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