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Did my wire just melt?


Feb 10, 2015
It went kinda fizzlepop while I was dry burning my coils and snapped. Is this common?

Sorry if the pic isn't very clear hard to focus with a phone cam

The coils are only a few days old is this common?


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Yeah this has happened to me a few times. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
Well I'm glad it's nothing to worry about. I am however mad that I need to rebuild the orchid after only 2 days. Massive pain in the arse!
Weak points in the wire caused by repeated bending and straightening when you are making the coil, or hotspots caused by the coils not heating evenly can both make this more likely to happen.
Weak points in the wire caused by repeated bending and straightening when you are making the coil, or hotspots caused by the coils not heating evenly can both make this more likely to happen.

The bending and straightening thing sounds likely, I definitely need more practise with this particular atty. Thanks man.
The bending and straightening thing sounds likely, I definitely need more practise with this particular atty. Thanks man.

dammit. I was going to take the piss and say diche just said you did a crap build. Now you go and admit it might have been a crap build and i cant do it without feeling bad about it. Damn. Knew i shouldnt have read it and left.

dammit. I was going to take the piss and say diche just said you did a crap build. Now you go and admit it might have been a crap build and i cant do it without feeling bad about it. Damn. Knew i shouldnt have read it and left.


I'm never gonna show pics of my builds again now :'(
Actually what clued me into the idea of the bending being a possible issue was how neat the coil looked. Getting it neat first time is hard, and if you do a lot of tidying then repeated bending is a definite consequence.

Us girls have got to stick together ;)
Actually what clued me into the idea of the bending being a possible issue was how neat the coil looked. Getting it neat first time is hard, and if you do a lot of tidying then repeated bending is a definite consequence.

Us girls have got to stick together ;)

Haha thanks

Hope you didn't take offence the to "thanks man" it's practically a gender neutral phrase in Glasgow :P

I also just got called a bloke in another post despite the profile pic
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