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Difference between TC mods

Jul 22, 2015
Hi All,

Been on TC for a couple of months now with the Smok VCT Pro tank with TCT (NI200) coils on my IPV 4, at 430ºF, all was good.

Due to the size of the IPV 4 and the TCT tank I got myself a Joyetech EVIC VTC mini and a goblin mini for out and about, put dual NI200 coils in the goblin (much fun that was!) added my blue slush, set it to 430ºF and............... the vape is stone cold!!. Took the goblin off the VTC mini and placed on the IPV 4, locked resistance and at 430ºF the vapour temp was the same as on the TCT tank.

I then bought an IPV D2 (to good a deal to miss), put the goblin mini on that, locked resistance and set to 430ºF, same vapour temp as on the IPV 4!

After some playing around with the VTC mini, I can get the vapour temp to be the same as on the IPV's but the temp setting on the VTC mini needs to be 530ºF.

I always lock resistance when the coils are cold, I get the same vapour temperature on the IPV's with both goblin mini and TCT when set at 430ºF, I understand the TC differs on different mods/chips but 100ºF seems to be a big variance, has anyone else got experience of this?, or has an idea why this would happen?

I can vape both tanks dry on the IPV's without getting a dry hit, the temp control just kicks in, but I am not sure I want to try that on the VTC mini at 530ºF!

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated


100 oF is a big discrepancy - are you sure you're not vaping a Ni200 coil in Ti mode on the VTC mini? That would explain it.
100 oF is a big discrepancy - are you sure you're not vaping a Ni200 coil in Ti mode on the VTC mini? That would explain it.

No, definitely NI mode on the VTC mini.

Also tried a mates Evic VT, also seems the same! I asked him what temp he was set on and he was on 570ºF with NI200 coil in NI mode, so maybe its something with the Joyetech (???) chip vs the IPV (YIHI) chip.

Still bugging me though :6:
so maybe its something with the Joyetech (???) chip vs the IPV (YIHI) chip.

Could be. I wish there was an easy way to find out and compare how these different chips are doing resistance-temperature conversion.
If you take a look at some other forums it appears the VTC mini suffers some problems with temp, some more than others.

Mine doesn't seem as bad as others have reported as I get a starting temp of 70 but do find I run it set hotter than I do on my other mods. On the VTC I use 450 - 470 and on others normally around 400 - 410 although the VTC is the only one I'm running Ti on (Ni on the others and using different tanks).
Hi All,

Been on TC for a couple of months now with the Smok VCT Pro tank with TCT (NI200) coils on my IPV 4, at 430ºF, all was good.

Due to the size of the IPV 4 and the TCT tank I got myself a Joyetech EVIC VTC mini and a goblin mini for out and about, put dual NI200 coils in the goblin (much fun that was!) added my blue slush, set it to 430ºF and............... the vape is stone cold!!. Took the goblin off the VTC mini and placed on the IPV 4, locked resistance and at 430ºF the vapour temp was the same as on the TCT tank.

I then bought an IPV D2 (to good a deal to miss), put the goblin mini on that, locked resistance and set to 430ºF, same vapour temp as on the IPV 4!

After some playing around with the VTC mini, I can get the vapour temp to be the same as on the IPV's but the temp setting on the VTC mini needs to be 530ºF.

I always lock resistance when the coils are cold, I get the same vapour temperature on the IPV's with both goblin mini and TCT when set at 430ºF, I understand the TC differs on different mods/chips but 100ºF seems to be a big variance, has anyone else got experience of this?, or has an idea why this would happen?

I can vape both tanks dry on the IPV's without getting a dry hit, the temp control just kicks in, but I am not sure I want to try that on the VTC mini at 530ºF!

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated



i have also seen this between a few mods, i started out useing tc on a sigelei 75w useing the smok TCT tank and ni200 0.15 coils, i found my setting with 70vg juice to be 465f. on my sigelei 150w my setting is 480f, and on my Xcube 2 im at 530f (after setting up correct). i think as others say its down to the chips in the mods. but i also noted that the ohm reading varied on the mods as well.. by as much as 0.03 im aware that this can effect the vape, and when corrected on my xcube 2 from 0.13 back to 0.15 the vape was much better.
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