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Diluting Nic Salt Flavour


Jan 21, 2022
Hi, I’m sorry if this is covered elsewhere but I have looked and don’t see anything on it.

I vape 20mg nic salts and find the strength to be perfect for now, but, I find the flavours just too intense, only like fruit flavours and they’re all so overpowering.

my question is, if I filled my tank with half 20mg flavoured nic salt, then topped up the other half with unflavoured 20mg nic salt, would this work in simply diluting the flavour but leaving the strength as it is?
I asked in my local vape shop and he seemed to believe it would dilute the flavour but would increase the strength, and my brain just can’t figure it out.

Any advice appreciated, thanks
There's nothing wrong with your brain @Hayley013, but the guy in your local vape shop needs to brush up on his math skills before he ends up giving someone harmful information. As Zou says, it will definitely work. Mixing 20mg with 20mg will result in 20mg. You just need to find the right ratio of flavoured to unflavoured that suits your tastebuds.
the usual question we get asked when it comes to dilution is how to lower the mg final strength but they dont want to lose flavour strength.
for you @Hayley013 follow Banjo's advice above and you will be able to weaken the flavour strength while keeping at exactly the same strength of 20mg nicotine.

dont ya just hate it when you rely on advise from vapes shops and they give false info.
just make sure you buy a unflavoured nic salt shot and not a normal nic shot.
Thanks so much guys, I’ve lots of flavoured juices that I’ve bought to try and where the flavour is nice, it’s just too much, seems they won’t go to waste. I did have a feeling this would be the case but doubted myself after speaking with him.

Will defo make sure I don’t mix with normal nic shots; thanks all!
The only advice I can give is to dilute with small amounts and test it frequently until you get the flavour concentration you want.

The vape shop guy must have had an off day. If you mix one 20mg liquid with another 20 mg you will just end up with a larger amount of 20 mg.
I won some nic salts in the anniversary prize draw and they were crazily strong on the flavour front. I always keep some home made custard (Nickbrosia is my current favourite) lying around for such circumstances. I diluted it 50/50 and it's much better, I can barely taste the custard but it's brought the original fruit flavour down to a much nicer level. This makes my purchased juices last a lot longer and is kinder on the wallet. However I am a full on custard head so this approach might not be for everyone.
Your spot on just as everyone has said x I wish I had taste buds like yours , mine are rubbish and if a juice is too weak have to add a touch of flavour concentrate xx
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