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DIY Coils


Sep 27, 2022
I don't actually need any yet, @Reggiec has set me up for a year ... but want to practice coil making just for the hell of it. Below is my first attempt - not set to any science or parameters - ohm wise etc.

1. Are the gaps too large ? No jig used ... but one been dispatched
2. With a twisted coil ... how important is getting the pitch exactly right when making calculations
Is there an ideal pitch ?

I'm sure there will be more things I can't think of right now ... why a twisted coil - Youtube fascination at using a drill because it looks cool :( Might just end up using a 22 or 24ga wire. Dunno yet. Still reading/ learning about what will work for my vaping style. TIA

Never really liked twisted wire personally.

I used to build my own years ago and I found the easiest to start with is Claptons and fused Claptons, then move on to framed staples, then staggered fused claptons and aliens.
I haven't picked up a drill in years since it's so easy to buy coilturd aliens, coils by Scott or hit up people like @Reggiec for a custom set.

If you have the patience for coil building there is nothing more satisfying than using your own complex coils on a mech.

Stick with it and who knows maybe @Reggiec will be buying coils from you one day.
I used a lot of twisted coils with my first RDAs. Because I didn't have a drill I just made a loop of wire and twisted it between two bits of dowel - one held under my feet as I turned the top dowel and vegged out in front of the TV. The resulting wire had a couple of whiffy looking areas, but there was plenty of uniform looking wire length with an even pitch to make decent coils from.

Later I used a drill, spun each length of wire slightly to get it straight, put the wires in the chuck, held the end with pliers and twisted it. The resulting wire was uniformly twisted with no knots, kinks or nasty buts. Sometimes I'd spin the wire until it snapped at the drill bit - there may have been the occasional slight knot, b ut there was always plently of length of 'good wire' to make coils from.

I didn't worry about pitch, just twisted until it looked right to me - if I was making a pair of coils it would be from the same wire so the pitch and resistance would be the same on each coil. For a single coil it didn't matter to me. Maybe my approach was a bit slapdash but I was happy with the results.

Coils twisted by hand seemed to work just as well as those done in a drill but didn't look as pretty and hand twisting can get slow and tedious. I'd advise you to use a drill if you can because you can get the job done in a minute (and the results do look better.
That’s great mate @WelshBlue good to see you having a go brilliant

I would say if you used a drill your twisted would be a lot tighter. And your wraps have to be more evenly spaced if your doing a spaced coil.

A guy to watch on YouTube is N Devine 83 (Starting Off Vol 1) if you follow him you can’t go wrong.
Thanks for the responses guys - Pointers / comments taken on board - on spacing for a spaced coil what gap are we talking - eg 1mm / 2mm ?

Definitely going to have to get a magnifier as even with specs on, I was going by feel rather than sight. And I'm not talking the selective blindness my wife reckons I've got :28:

The aim is to attempt most types of coil ... will either love them or hate them but will have fun experimenting. Plus a good reason to get another RTA to fit them in

@Phrasing ... I'm sure I wouldn't get past @Reggiec 's quality control
Thanks for the responses guys - Pointers / comments taken on board - on spacing for a spaced coil what gap are we talking - eg 1mm / 2mm ?

Definitely going to have to get a magnifier as even with specs on, I was going by feel rather than sight. And I'm not talking the selective blindness my wife reckons I've got :28:

The aim is to attempt most types of coil ... will either love them or hate them but will have fun experimenting. Plus a good reason to get another RTA to fit them in

@Phrasing ... I'm sure I wouldn't get past @Reggiec 's quality control
Spacing on spaced coils is subjective, as long as they're even spaces, no wrong answers
Done the whole gamut of coil building, these days I just use plain wire, either round or flatwire, does me just fine.
There is no wrong or right coil, it all comes down to how you want it. Its a good little past time, I think, and can get a bit addictive. I really like it tho, and I am in the middle of making a stand with a dc motor in it, with all the functions too. I will post pics when all bits are here and I start to make it.
Enjoy what you do, that is the main thing.......
I will post pics when all bits are here and I start to make it.

that sounds interesting, would love to see that.

A jig arrived today ... I'm sure I'll have a bit of a twist over the weekend.
After reading the comments I'll just experiment with single strands and Steam Engine. Thanks again for the input folks
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