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Jan 31, 2014
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Meh, why bother with premix?
Just a question, a 50/50 premix will give you a higher pg/vg ratio after flavouring and lower the nic. You also don't have much option to create higher vg juice for dripping and lower vg for tanks. It works out a lot cheaper to buy them separate and have greater control of a mix.
I'm in agreement with @Jugg1es , I just wouldn't use a premix base for same reasons. BUT that's me. And obviously Jugg1es. Each to his own, and there's no wrong way to do things. No one is knocking you @sparky67 ... mixing and DIY certainly make the vaping easier on the pocket. Kudos. :)
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a dig at all. It's just if your doing the measuring anyway then why not spend the extra couple of minutes fine tuning your mixing.
I use lung hit and mtl so I have different mixes for both, 3,6 and 9. With varying pg/vg ratios depending on what I'm using them for.
I don't take it as a dig ,you apes could teach me more ,I do buy separate but it was the last of my PG I mixed it with the VG to a 4mg.
Maybe you can teach me as I'm new at dripping does it have to be more VG for dripping as I do normally 70/30vg/pg but my wife also use any juice in her beloved vamo

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It doesn't need higher vg for dripping, vg is sweet and can change the flavour of a juice. 70/30 is a good mix for most things. I hadn't realised you buy separate, on a side you should be looking at pharmaceutical grade base ingredients as generally it has less impurities than food grade.
Meh, why bother with premix?
Just a question, a 50/50 premix will give you a higher pg/vg ratio after flavouring and lower the nic. You also don't have much option to create higher vg juice for dripping and lower vg for tanks. It works out a lot cheaper to buy them separate and have greater control of a mix.
I did calculate this on a calc and left out the 15% flavourings on this mix ready for smaller 30ml bottles to add it later is this the wrong way to do it.
I have mixed up some 30ml with some of these flavours below which are steeping a week now, I did 70/30 and 50/50 for my twisted messes and they VAPE good on it with 0.36 ohms normal coils
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No harm at all in premixing, especially if you know what ratio/strength your finished juice is going to end up being. Damn easy to do a sample mix now, just flavour(s) and premix ... done!! That's a huge time saver if you're sampling lots of concentrates for the first time. Plus, you're not having to handle concentrated nic on a daily basis.

Rock on @sparky67 :)
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