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Doing it for my Gran :-)

Jun 9, 2016
Hi all, hope you are good :-)

Brief intro:
I'm 36 years old from Hereford and have been smoking since I was 16.
To be honest, it never really affected me when I was in my 20's. However, once I turned 30, I noticed that I was waking up each morning, coughing my guts up. Especially after a night of drinking. Some days, I would smoke 50 roll-ups.

Last November, my Gran (who was my rock whilst ill with severe depression 8 years ago) got diagnosed with Lung Cancer at the age of 84. She died within 6 weeks, on Boxing Day 2015. It was so rapid and so brutal :-(

I have not enjoyed smoking for years. It is just something I had to do. I study one day a week at Uni and, at the start of the course, half of our group of 40 were smokers. That number has dwindled massively as people started using e-cigs. So when we finished for the summer just over 3 weeks ago, I decided that for my own health, and to make sure I didn't end up like my Gran, I would give vaping another try.
(I had a go 3 years ago, but it was not the right time or the right kit)
This was further enhanced when I coughed up blood, due to a Pleurisy thing, back at Easter.

So at the start of last week, I purchased a Kanger Subox Mini. I really couldn't get on with the 0.5ohm coil and the somewhat leaky tank, so was still smoking periodically. Then, on the recommendation of my Brother (a vaper since 2012), I got a Nautilus tank and some 1.8ohm coils. Result: Cigarette-free since last Sunday :-)

Yeah, I know it is early days, but I love it so far. No urge whatsoever to roll one up and I do not miss the horrible taste/breath that smoking gave me - I used to get through a pack of Polo's each day at work!

This week, I have woken up each morning, not hacking sputum in the sink, and my room/house smells like Bubblegum rather than fag smoke. Food also seems to taste better....I love me food. What is best of all is that my local pub is happy to allow vaping inside. Which means I won't have to nip out during England games over the next few weeks :-)

Sorry for the long waffle!
:hello: Welcome to POTV!

Don't knock yourself. If its early days and you have no desires you're off to a great start. Just keep it up :).
Any questions, queries, whatever there's loads of people here that would be happy to answer of just have a chat. Really nice community to be a part of and everyone is so helpful too
Hey welcome to the planet and congratulations on giving up the roll ups! 8 days is an amazing achievement considering you could smoke up to 50 a day! Your gran would have so proud of you because it's not easy. Just remember that you may have a few blip's along the way and thats ok. We've all been there and We're a friendly bunch so any questions or advice you need just ask away.:)
Welcome & well done. I wish they had the vaping gear they have now years ago. I noticed your comment about the tank. I use Naturevape which is similar to the nautilus. I have tried quite a few other tanks but nearly all leak & don`t produce the flavour I want. Also, some tanks described as airy are like sucking through a 2" pipe. Not into the sub-ohm thing either. Wasted lots of money & I still use my small tanks all the time. Stick with what suits you.
Well done pal & welcome to the Planet!!

Sounds like you're off to a good start & I hope you keep it up for your gran

Plenty of help, support & advise on here so get yourself stuck in
Well done buddy! Early days is where it begins! Just keep your motivation in mind at all times when you get a craving and try to lay off the drink for a while if possible ;).

Drink screwed me over a bit after I started vaping and felt like I needed a smoke but now I can drink without touching the nasty things.

Keep up the good work bro
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