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Don't share negativity

We blogged, about something that's been bugging me for a while. Head over to the link below and cast your eyes, thoughts?

Said I before, and I'll say it again. The press never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
This has been the case for years. The Internet/social media has made the world a very small place, where everything spreads faster than a wildfire. I've personally seen 1 photograph get retweeted 3 times within one minute. It had reached the opposite side of the world.
Some people just share, RT, or pass on 'news' without a thought about any credibility or lack of, it's clear to anyone with a modicum of common sense, these stories, at best, lack detail, and in most cases, don't make sense, yet they can't see this ? It seems the country now has a high number of mushroom type citizens, happy to stay in the dark and happily except the shit fed to them by the press and share this fodder to everyone they can.
You basically want gullible fools to engage their critical faculties before sharing nonsense.
It is an unfortunate fact that gullible fools do not have what it takes to do as you wish so debunking the nonsense stories when they appear is the best we can hope for and even then it may be an uphill struggle.
You basically want gullible fools to engage their critical faculties before sharing nonsense.
It is an unfortunate fact that gullible fools do not have what it takes to do as you wish so debunking the nonsense stories when they appear is the best we can hope for and even then it may be an uphill struggle.

I don't know if I'd call them gullible fools (;)), but aye, a 10 second think before hitting share could change the tone of a lot of discussions.
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