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Dr Christian Jensen Tweet

Grizzly Adams

Jun 1, 2013
Not on twitter myself so no extract(unless some one can help please) just read elsewhere that he tweeted last night that he basically believes in Ecigs and sees no reason for peeps to come off them as long as it gets them off real fags, nice one from hi profile Doc, just hope the press can pick it up
Dr. Tweet?

Sounds like he's just trying to appeal to the birds and get people in a flap. The trouble with these people is they're just trying to feather their own nests even if it gets vapours eggsited.

I'll get my coat.
I've retweeted them today ;) Some of his replies reveal he is quite clued up on the vested interest side too

here's a couple
Could of done with him on the Wright stuff panel a few weeks ago! Its all in our favour when a high profile tv doc passes comments like that, lets hope for more!
He is a name that people trust so that IMO is a good set of tweets, now stolen and used :)
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