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Review Drip Drop Vapour: Banoffee Pie and Triple Mint


Apr 6, 2015
As always, ordered around lunchtime, arrived on my doorstep the following morning. I rate fast delivery like this so much.... especially when it's not accompanied by premium "Next Day Delivery" charges of around £6.99. Royal Mail 1st Class post will almost always arrive anywhere in the UK mainland the day after it's dispatched (as long as it enters the post by mid-late afternoon). So, really, it's all in the dispatch speed. Vendors like Drop Drop are well organised and get their orders out the same day (as long as they're ordered before the late afternoon cut off). When I order from another of my suppliers; PureVape, deliveries always take around 3 working days to reach me. Still sent first class; but clearly not dispatched for a day or two.

What surprised me more with the fast delivery for this order, was that I decided to use Drip Drop's "custom" ordering service. The stock ratios for both of the juices that I ordered was 60VG/40PG but my PG intolerence in particularly bad at the moment, so I decided to customize my juices to 70VG/30PG; just to further take the edge off any "PG chest tickles"

Banoffee Pie, 12mg, Custom mix 70VG/30PG

I didn't allow any steeping time, but I did put the juice in my tank (in this case a Kanger Aero Tank Mini) and leave it there for just over an hour. The tank, and the coil were both brand new.

On my first vape the banana taste hits strongly. It's a very definite banana taste; as ever not a real banana fruit taste but a slightly sweet "banana candy" flavour. It is definitely different to the "banana foam sweet" taste though. It seemed sweeter and more intense. On the exhale I got a very strong taste of vanilla. Unfortunately (for me) this is not the smooth 'vanilla ice cream' or 'french vanilla' taste - it's a strong, sharp, vanilla pod taste, like natural vanilla. That's a flavour that I've come across in a variety of juices - that I'm never keen on. It tastes a little like how those vanilla plug-in air fresheners smell.

After 10 minutes of vaping, I really couldn't go on. The banana taste was too strong, for my tastes and that vanilla taste was leaving me feeling nauseus. I set the tank aside and 'reset' my taste buds with my all time favourite juice; Drip Drop Cookie Dough.

The disappointment for me with this juice is that there was no 'pie' element to the blend whatsoever. If Drip Drop had added some of the cookie dough flavour blend alongside a little less banana flavouring, I think this could have been a winner for me. Or some other 'cakey' flavour element. The fact is, as it actually tasted, I feel this juice should be branded as "Banana Vanilla" as that entirely sums up what it tastes of.

The other point to mention here is that although the word 'banoffee' contains the 'offee' element, there was absolutely no toffee type flavour at all in this juice - just banana and vanilla.

UPDATE: Three days later (not exactly an extended steep time, I know), I tried the juice again. Both the vanilla and banana flavours definitely tasted more 'matured' ; a little less harsh, a little smoother. But the core blend of flavours still just wasn't to my tastes. There was still no detectable toffee or cakey element at all. I love real banoffee pie, but the flavours I love in real banoffee pie are banana, toffee and the cakey base stuff. This juice is just banana and vanilla pod to my taste buds. A long steep could improve things further, and I'll update the review if that's the case.


Triple Mint, 12mg, Custom mix 70VG/30PG

Well, thankfully on first vape (after a similar 1 hour wick soaking period in an EVOD glass tank, with a brand new coil head), there was no dastardly vanilla pod taste!! .... but the issue I had with this juice on first vape, was that I couldn't taste anything. I know that some juices can be 'subtle' tasting (the entire PureVape 100% VG range is like this, but I still enjoy some of them), and that taste is subjective so some people will say "It's subtle but nice", while others will say "I just can't taste anything". I am ok with subtle flavours (if they feel 'right'), but in this case, for a juice branded as "Triple Mint" I really could detect no mint flavour - or any other flavour - whatsoever. This must be a steeping issue I thought, so I set the tank aside for 3 days again.

UPDATE: Three days later and there is a definite improvement here - I can taste some mint!! ..... but it's very, very, subtle. Whereas I abandoned the Banoffee Pie, I decided I was going to stick with this one longer .... I vaped it - and only it - for all of the next day. By midday I was enjoying having a very subtle flavoured vape - no sickliness, no frazzled taste buds. But in all honesty, the experience was pretty weak for a mint flavoured juice. I have a feeling this one may improve dramatically with a longer steep, so I'll take that into account with the score, and I'll provide an update after a couple of weeks steeping.

FURTHER Update: It is now 8 days since I received the Drip Drop Triple Mint juice and started vaping it. The increase in flavour in that time has been significant. There is now no mistaking the mint flavour coming through. It's still not the strongest mint imagineable but there's certainly a mint flavour there. It's a gentle peppermint taste; none of the sweetness of spearmint and non of the oiliness of menthol. Just a subtle mint flavour. It's by far not the best Drip Drop flavour I've tried but it is good to have a decent mint on hand, and just to re-iterate, it is a custom 70% VG juice, so the mint flavour may well be greater at the standard 60% VG ratio.


TWO IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR THESE TWO: Again, neither has had any real steep time, bar three days, and as we all know, some juice do really need a couple of weeks steeping. The second factor is that I had these blended at a custom ratio, so they're getting towards the "VG heavy" range at 70% VG. This may well affect flavour, and cause a slight reduction due to VG not carrying flavours as strongly as PG.

So all things told, yes there's no denying it - this was a disappointing order for me, from my favourite juice vendor..... but remember, taste is entirely subjective. There are no reviews on the Drip Drop site for the Triple Mint, but the Banoffee Pie get's high ratings on the site.
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I would have to agree totally with your review of the Banoffee Pie

All I got was banana and no amount of steeping improved this for me at all

I was disappointed as I had tried Chocolate Lime which I really liked and I had also tried the Clotted Cream Fudge which was a very good experience

Like you say however taste is subjective and perhaps the Pie just wasn't for me

Great descriptive review though buddy :)
I would have to agree totally with your review of the Banoffee Pie

All I got was banana and no amount of steeping improved this for me at all

I was disappointed as I had tried Chocolate Lime which I really liked and I had also tried the Clotted Cream Fudge which was a very good experience

Like you say however taste is subjective and perhaps the Pie just wasn't for me

Great descriptive review though buddy :)

Always good to hear other people echo a view that you present - so thanks for that! I'm a real Drip Drop fanboy but I think it's important to present the good, the bad, and ugly, even with vendors and products that you love. Thanks for the compliment on the review; pleased you enjoyed it matey!
Further update added to review (Triple Mint):

It is now 8 days since I received the Drip Drop Triple Mint juice and started vaping it. The increase in flavour in that time has been significant. There is now no mistaking the mint flavour coming through. It's still not the strongest mint imagineable but there's certainly a mint flavour there. It's a gentle peppermint taste; none of the sweetness of spearmint and non of the oiliness of menthol. Just a subtle mint flavour. It's by far not the best Drip Drop flavour I've tried but it is good to have a decent mint on hand, and just to re-iterate, it is a custom 70% VG juice, so the mint flavour may well be greater at the standard 60% VG ratio.
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