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Drip tip fitting

Pikey Mick

Jun 5, 2013
Please could someone tell me what fitting drip tips I need to fit a Maxi clearomizer ? None of the ones I have will fit so far, they are either too fat, or the insert piece is too short and they keep falling out in my pocket.
Please could someone tell me what fitting drip tips I need to fit a Maxi clearomizer ? None of the ones I have will fit so far, they are either too fat, or the insert piece is too short and they keep falling out in my pocket.

Normally you need an adaptor to fit a normal drip tip in a clearomizer, hold on I will find you a link. :)
I think the kanger t2/t3s use a custom fitting so standed tips wont work.
Yep, kangers use a completely different tip than standard clearomizers :)
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