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Dripdrop vs primevapes

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As has been said, trying to say which of the two is better is impossible - both do what they do very well, but are aiming at different markets. Some people want a cheap and reliable alternative to cigarettes that tastes good, and some want to treat themselves to something complex and flavoursome and are willing to pay for it. There should be room for both?
I don't get the whole 'premium' juice shite.
It either tastes good, or it doesn't.
Any juice I've had from DripDrop has been excellent, as has any juice I've had from Lee.
Just because one juice is cheaper than another doesn't mean it is any lesser in quality.
As has been said, trying to say which of the two is better is impossible - both do what they do very well, but are aiming at different markets. Some people want a cheap and reliable alternative to cigarettes that tastes good, and some want to treat themselves to something complex and flavoursome and are willing to pay for it. There should be room for both?

Maybe you didn’t mean to put a question mark at the end crewella
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