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Dripdrop vs primevapes

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Hey Sam, I hope you had a nice Christmas!

I just wanted to chime in to say I don’t think that anyone on here doubts your brand at all, I think everyone is well aware you produce decent clean liquid to the best of your abilities! I can agree some of the comments where uncalled for though. Perhaps some of the members could have worded their opinion a bit better, I think what some people were trying to say is that your liquids can be thought of more as a every day vape, something you can chug on all day without breaking the bank. Wimpy burger and fine dining is a bit extreme for sure.

I think the comments are purely based around the opinions on the quality of the recipes rather than a overall view of your facility’s and pricing etc. Both budget brands and “premium” brands have a place in the market and many customers use both! I certainly do [emoji16]

Our business models are both very different, you are clearly a much bigger and better established than I am, or probably will ever be. You guys have multiple shops, hundreds of thousands of pounds of equipment and top of the range facilities. I am just a small time family run company taking each day as it comes. I don’t have 100k bottling machines, I don’t have shops. But I do still take a massive amount of pride in what I do just like you do. I also care about how the liquid is produced, although it is just small hand crafted juice on a much, much smaller scale I do make every effort within my means to achieve that.

I don’t use flavours with diketones in at all either, I don’t think and company worth their salt in Europe uses non TPD compliant flavourings any more tbh.

So in reality, no matter what people’s options are, both of our businesses aren’t that much different at all - just two different brands, one much bigger than the other [emoji16]

And like you say, it’s Boxing Day today. Have a blast with your family and fill your face with the rest of the turkey, because that’s certainly what I’m doing [emoji23]

When being compared to a wimpey I thought I would comment with the following-
We offer (with photos to prove) our products at a fantastic price considering all of our liquids are made by us in Iso7 cleanrooms, using only TPD compliant flavourings.
The price may be low but that is only due to the fact we couldn't charge over the odds for something we absolutely love doing.
Being compared to Wimpy and Wagu steak is childish but I won't get involved in that.
To those that haven't tried us due to the price should really get over it and try it.

4 years of hard graft have gone into every bottle we produce. Batches are produced in the cleanroom & bottled on machines that we have saved up for over the years after putting every penny back into the business.
£10 for a 100ml bottle. We could charge premium prices but we want people off smoking more than lining our pockets.
Vaping is a life to us. It's one of the reasons I get up in the morning, knowing we are helping the community.

I'll be slammed on this post but to see some of these comments on what was Christmas Day while I was enjoying a very rare day off really pee'd me off.

We hope you've all had a wonderful festive period.
What's wrong with wimpy (No e)
I come from Kent and grew up on wimpy's. If I ever see one (very few left outside London now) I'm straight in for the egg and bacon breakfast burger.
They have a proud history going back to 1934 (54 in the UK). This wimpy bashing will not stand.
I don't like dressing up for posh do's [emoji38]
Jeans and boots over a suit anytime.
I'm not a flash git. [emoji23] [emoji23]

Exactly the same here in fact, I wear joggers and a jumper almost all the time and lately the security guy in Asda has been mistaking me for a local thief lol. I have literally had to grow up over night and buy myself some smarter clothes, some jeans and shit because it’s bloody embarrassing getting collard every time I go in there [emoji23]
Exactly the same here in fact, I wear joggers and a jumper almost all the time and lately the security guy in Asda has been mistaking me for a local thief lol. I have literally had to grow up over night and buy myself some smarter clothes, some jeans and shit because it’s bloody embarrassing getting collard every time I go in there [emoji23]
[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]
...I don’t use flavours with diketones in at all either, I don’t think and company worth their salt in Europe uses non TPD compliant flavourings any more tbh...

You would think, eh? I’m sure there are a few though, in fact there’s one popular shortfill vendor that discloses cap v1 as an ingredient in the description of one of their blends.

Personally I choose to occasionally use concentrates with diketones. But it does seem a bit dodgy for a vendor to be using the shortfill loophole and adding ingredients prohibited by law. Fair enough for customers who know what cap v1 is but I’m sure there are people buying it that don’t, and probably expect that they’re not buying something that contains banned ingredients.

But, I digress...!
You would think, eh? I’m sure there are a few though, in fact there’s one popular shortfill vendor that discloses cap v1 as an ingredient in the description of one of their blends.

Personally I choose to occasionally use concentrates with diketones. But it does seem a bit dodgy for a vendor to be using the shortfill loophole and adding ingredients prohibited by law. Fair enough for customers who know what cap v1 is but I’m sure there are people buying it that don’t, and probably expect that they’re not buying something that contains banned ingredients.

But, I digress...!

I’d like to think so yeah, i can’t say I have seen any about recently or tasted any where I can pick them out but I guess you’re right, maybe some do.

A custard in particular using V1 in a commercial juice is nothing more than a shortcut in my opinion. It’s perfectly possible to create one diketone free, just takes some more leg work and faffing around. But then if you’re spending a decent amount of time and effort making a recipe it’s no different to any other flavour.

With some of the flavours and custom concentrates available nowadays, there is just no need to be using diketones commercially.
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