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Dripper or the other


Feb 7, 2014
I have been a fan of the protank (mini and 2) they both work fine easy to fill & maintain but I feel I want to expand and have some fun without spending silly money on a hand made device with a serial number.
Can anyone recommend or point me in the right direction, I would be ok making up coils and all that goes with that, I am always fiddling with something so as far as DIY goes it's no problem.
I found some nice ones here but not having used a dripper I need some expert advice and as it's the end of the week most folk will be chilling out tonight with their favourite juice and hopefully read this and make a comment (good or bad, I am sure every comment will be helpful)
in the link you put up; the Quasar would be a good dripper. If you wanted a tank atty; the kayfun lite plus clone there would be a good one, I haven't had that make of clone but the kayfun style is quite easy and a good vape.
A good cheap dripper I would recommend is a IGO-L. Easy to work with a good flavour and cloud. Only thing I would advise is open the air holes as it's a very tight draw as standard. You can practice your coils and different wicking methods on that. In fact I'm using mine right with a micro coil and rayon cotton. Trying to do this on my genuine Origen dripper is not very practical due to lack of space.

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Although many people may disagree, I would strongly recommend getting an RDA before a rebuildable tank. Drippers are a lot easier to build.

A good one to start off with is the Quasar, or a Patriot.
I personally started with the Igo-W, great dripper, still use it to this day! I picked up a Magma at vapefest and it's my favourite dripper I've used so far! Both are pretty simple to build on :)
Just started using a dripper from pro tank 2. I brought a Smok catapiller. Easy as hell to build and the taste is wonderful.
You may fund once you've got a good build in a decent dripper (decent and expensive are two different things) any tank is disappointing, all I use is drippers now and I'm really thinking of selling off all my tanks to put towards a squonking box.
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