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Dripper with AFC recommendations


Nov 13, 2013
Right this is probably Raguri's territory.
I'm gonna be looking to get myself a second dripper soon. Have no interest in drilling holes out so must have Air Flow Control and at least dual+ coil capabilities.

I know there are a few out there since I last looked at drippers and brought my W4, so if anyone could give me a recommendation and save me trawling through reviews I'd be grateful.


Sent with kind regards and salutations.
Soldado RDA By Critical Minds £45ish waiting to see what Raguri thinks (can remove a couple of negative posts to create more wick space).
Damn it Trungo , Most of the stuff I was thinking at is around £60 :(

Ie, Double Cross, Castle, Crown...


Soldado RDA by Critical minds
Tobh Atty v2
Damn it Trungo , Most of the stuff I was thinking at is around £60 :(

Ie, Double Cross, Castle, Crown...


Soldado RDA by Critical minds
Tobh Atty v2

Lol sorry, I thought drippers were ment to be cheap. Having just brought a really nice Poldiac clone and another Taifun GT my savings are a tad depleted.

Ok then give me something to aim for, let's say under £75

You know anything of the Chaos? Grimm Green seemed fairly impressed by it.

Sent with kind regards and salutations.
Lol sorry, I thought drippers were ment to be cheap. Having just brought a really nice Poldiac clone and another Taifun GT my savings are a tad depleted.

Ok then give me something to aim for, let's say under £75

You know anything of the Chaos? Grimm Green seemed fairly impressed by it.

Sent with kind regards and salutations.

Looks good for flavour, not so good for clouds :P
I picked up a double cross in the classies for forty quid. Don't think you can go wrong there. There's also the zenith which is a 22mm double cross, sure thats sixty quid nee but I could be wrong there.

My double cross is running quad 1mm ribbon coils so plenty of options with it.

I also love my trident clone, afc, easy to build on, eighteen quid from greyhaze. I've seen cheaper but I like the quality of mine so would spring a touch more cash for one myself.
Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like I got a few reviews to watch heh.

Sent with kind regards and salutations.
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