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Dripping atty?


May 22, 2013
Need to get a dripping atty.
Was considering the cheap and cheerful SM20 as sold here in the Marketplace for £8 or so.
Is this a good choice for my first dripper?
Opinions please?
IMO I would say that the igo's are the high end of the budget market for dripping atomizers. They seem like they're built to last. I've had others at around the same price but the quality doesn't seem as good. The steel is much thinner and feel much lighter than the igo's. That being said tho, I don't know anything about the SM20, I'm just going off my own experience.
I've just picked one up from The Little Puffer in Wigan town centre.
It's purely for testing juices during mixing to check levels of flavouring are to my liking, as I've been half filling a clearo, having a quick vape on it, pour it back into the bottle and add a bit more flavouring, then filling it again and vaping it etc.etc. What a ball ache!
This will make it all so much quicker and easier.
I have an Igo L and it's an excellent dripper. Cheap to buy, fairly well made, easy to rebuild, and has a little "well" in it so you can drip maybe a half ml of juice if you wish. I'd highly recommend one.
Gonna see how I get along with this one first, then I may consider a better one if I decide I wanna use a dripper for vaping with in the evenings, other than for mixing purposes.
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