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Dual Coil installation question:)


Jun 24, 2015

Trying to install dual claptons in this build is proving difficult for me (without ruining the coils, as I find claptons aren't easy to mainpulate, without messing them up), I have quite a few questions about it, so any help is greatly appreciated:17:
If the post holes are labelled (from left to right) 1,2,3,4- Am I right in thinking that one side should go 1 & 3 and the other 2&4? I find that when trying to install the second coil, the first coil gets in the way in the middle post holes. Do the coils have to be symmetrically placed in the middle, or is that just so it looks nice? Also, how far away from the post holes should the coils be? and lastly, the juice well on the deck is very deep, should the coil be close to it or suspended in the air? Thanks
You got the Claptons then?

Aye, 1 and 3 then 2 and 4. You can push down the first coil to get the 2nd one in , then re-adjust it to the right height.

Ideally you want the coils fairly close to the airholes and height wise, just above them.
Centreing isn't always necessary or viable, but it does look better.
Be prepared to do a lot of pushing and manipulating of them when installed.

There be plenty tutorial videos on youtube, worth a wee watch to get an idea of what to do. Todds is quite useful.

Post pix afterwards!!
You can always install one coil first, trim, then remove and set aside while you install the other. Once that's in place & trimmed replace the first coil. Just easier sometimes...
I tend to shape the legs on one first so that it slots into place, I then shape the second coil the same. I then place the first coil and screw down lightly, trim and remove. The second coil gets placed and trimmed in place then place the forest again. After that it's just a case of pinching and strumming/minor adjustments until they glow evenly
You got the Claptons then?

Aye, 1 and 3 then 2 and 4. You can push down the first coil to get the 2nd one in , then re-adjust it to the right height.

Ideally you want the coils fairly close to the airholes and height wise, just above them.
Centreing isn't always necessary or viable, but it does look better.

There be plenty tutorial videos on youtube, worth a wee watch to get an idea of what to do. Todds is quite useful.

Post pix afterwards!!

Yea man they came, thanks a lot, had posted in the other thread, but didn't want to name you without permission, thanks again! unfortunately one of the coils got mutilated beyond repair whilst I was struggling about with them, got another pair of them, to try and install matching ones, gonna put the single in my lemo(or try at least).
Be prepared to do a lot of pushing and manipulating of them when installed.
I usually do this, but found the claptons became deformed too easily/unwound :( Will check out the todds video, most videos tend to show people placing them in the post holes, but then cut the bit after where they cut etc.. thanks again, and will post pics when done sucessfully :)
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