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Dual Parallel and Dual Series Mod?


Sep 9, 2015
So thinking of what stuff to buy to make my first box mech mod in the new year, perfectly happy soldering, cutting, drilling, and all that good stuff.

Was just out having a vape break in work, thinking about how I love my parallel mech due to the extra headroom you get for building low, but lamenting the fact that it doesn't have the oompf for dual Claptons that a regulated dual 18650 Series mod has.

Then a stupid idea came to my head...

4 batteries...

2x Parallel 18650's in series with another 2x parallel...

30-odd Amps of CDR headroom...

8.4V of oompf...

Battery life for days...

Yes the box will be huge, but surely I can't have been the first to think of this?

I guess the obvious answer to that question is "just stick a LiPo in there instead, it will be smaller!"

Fuck it, I think I will give it a go, assuming I can get the purchase past the Mrs!
Hammer of God v2 is around £135 at Evolution and is what you describe - if you make one I'd like to see it though ;)
Hammer of God v2 is around £135 at Evolution and is what you describe - if you make one I'd like to see it though ;)

Oh cool, I thought there must have been something already out, cheers!

Yeah will definitely post it up here if/when I get to make it, just drawing up some sketches now (instead of working)
Yup hammer of god v2 is duel parallel series box. I do belive there is a clone of the v2 avaliable for around 40$ from USA not seem a v2 on any our far east friends Web sites
You could get a idea for your build of you choose to go ahead with it
My Switcheroo does the same thing, 1 set of batteries.

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