I dont get it, maybe being thick I don't get it I always thought one was neg and the other pos and the coils should not toch ?, see its on the new SV as well looks big very big lol
Ive watched it twice now and its the pulling the loops to go on the posts I don't get. Poo posted his dual coil which i do get, but not the one in the video, but hell I'll give it a go on wednesday lol
Looks ok to me, what is it you don't get? He could have done it in 2 separate coils but he just made a loop in the middle for one terminal and the ends went on the other terminal. the coils themselves aren't touching.
I agree the first video has much faffing but electrically it is the same as the second video. Both Diagrams in the image below are electrically identical or did you just mean you don't get why the guy in the first video would mess around doing it that way?
Pretty much mate a lot of faffing on the first Video, Ive just done one of the Kayfuns as on the second video, .2 kanthal 2mm ekowool both length's 5cm and 5 wraps, wow 0.9ohms on the mech mod, know i need to work out how to get it to 1.5 for the provari