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Review E-Aromat Concentrates Review


Nov 7, 2013

Firstly, I'd like to state that this is my own personal opinion of the free samples that I was sent from Marcin, at Inewara flavours. The fact that I received them free for testing and review, made no difference whatsoever to my personal review.

The Package.
There was 18 concentrates in the package along with a 50/50 base mix at my preferred nic level, and the required amount of plastic bottles, inserts, and childproof lids..Etc

The Mixing
Mixed at 10% per 10ml of the concentrates to 90% of the base, I'd left them alone for two weeks to infuse/steep so that I'd get a truer sense of the flavourings at their best.
First Impressions were that the smelled exactly like they were described, there was also (in at least some of them) a colour change in the first few days after mixing

The results below are what I found after a bit of steepage....

1. Coconut Flavour
Clean sharp taste very reminiscent of a "Bounty" bar....cool but without that cloying aftertaste that you can sometimes get with a strong coconut flavour....

2. Brandy/Cocoa Flavour
I thought that the Cocoa flavour was the strongest flavour in this concentrate as opposed to the brandy flavour
It was more like a chocolate flavour with a hint of brandy, not that that was a disappointment, just not what I was expecting....Still quite pleasant

3. Banana Flavour
Rich ripe banana flavour, A bit overpowering, I think you'd need to mix this with something else to get the full benefit of the flavour, but yes, it tastes like bananas.

4. Apple Flavour
Crisp, sharp and full of the taste of those apples you had as a kid, almost Cider like in taste.
I could probably have this as an an all day vape

5. Bilberry flavour (borówka)
Of all the flavours I mixed up this was my favorite, a sweet sugary berry flavour that left a very nice after-taste on the palette...This could very easily become my favorite flavour, nice isn't the word for it, it's excellent, I'm currently testing it out on an Octopus dripper and when this review is over, I'll be putting the Octopus away and filling up my protank with it..Smiling

6. Cinnamon Flavor
Cinnamon is one of those flavours that either tastes of Cinnamon or doesn't, in this case, it tastes exactly like those cinnamon sticks that your mother used in the kitchen....They have got the flavour just right...

7. Pineapple Flavour
This is one sweet mix, tastes just like Pineapples should taste, sweetness with a bit of tartness on the exhale....Pretty good as a vape after a nice meal, and very easy on the taste buds.

8. Curacao Flavour
Having never tasted Curacao I can’t tell if the flavour is authentic, but what I can say is it's very nice indeed, sweet Liquor with a very rounded flavour and after-taste on the exhale

9. Orange Flavour
What can you say about "Orange" flavour that hasn't been said before??
It tastes of oranges, sweet and sharp, more of a mixer than as an "on its own" Vape, but still very nice.

10. Chilli Flavour
A nice chilli flavour, not for vaping on its own I would think, but different enough to possibly round out a stronger flavour for a "fuller" taste experience.-

11. Chai Flavour
For those who don’t know, Chai is an Indian spiced tea flavour and this is a very spiced vape with the majority of the flavour being Cardamom pods, along with other spices, Very mellow and flavourful,
Another juice that would be good to end a stressful day

12. Hot@Spicy Chilli flavour
This is another one of those flavours that you'll either love or hate...If you like a hot chilli, (like me) then you've just found what you’re looking for....Sweet on the inhale and a terrific fiery chilli taste on the exhale. Not a flavour to use on a regular basis, but certainly one to keep for those occasions when you want to vape something "A Little Bit Different" or to add a bit of spice to a mix

13. Strawberry Flavour
Full on fruit flavour, It might be that I mixed this a bit too strong, but on the whole a very realistic fruit flavour sweet and sharp at the same time, I think that it might be a bit too sweet on it's own but perfect for adding that little bit of flavour to a mix.

14. Rosemary Flavour
Rosemary although normally associated with food flavourings as its highly aromatic, seems to work well as a vaping flavour, It tastes a bit like the stuffing that you'd have with a lamb roast. This might sound a bit strange, but it's actually quite good with a flowery inhale that’s light on the taste buds....definitely one to use to round out a mix.
Although it’s one that sounds a bit unusual, I think it should be in your mixing collection, and I'm looking forward to experimenting with it in the future.

15. Tropic Flavour
Another cracking juice, lots of citrus fruits with an overwhelming cleanness to taste, again this would be a brilliant starter to add your own flavour too.

16. Lemon Flavour
Sharp, acidic, and fruity all at the same time, definitely one for blending with others, as It tastes just a bit too sharp for me on it's own.

17. Punch Flavour
A fruity spicy flavour, that hints of tropical fruit with an exhale of cinnamon and all spice.

18. Lime Flavour
Sharp and sour with a true Lime flavour, there is no sickly or chemical after-taste that you can sometimes get with a sour flavoured liquid

Being a bit adventurous using the concentrates to test their blending properties, I also made up a mixture of,

"Orange and lemon"
A traditional St Clemments type flavor, which was as good if not better than some "Retail" flavours.

And a

"Jungle Juice"
A mixture of Orange, Lemon, Lime, and Pineapple.
This was a brilliant success (for me at least) as I'm partial to strong fruit flavours, all blended well whilst still keeping their individual flavours in the mix.

So, to sum up...Of all the 18 flavours I tested, And the two I mixed by myself, I could find fault with none of them..They all tasted as they were described, with full flavour/vapour/throat hit, and mixed well with each other (at least the ones I tried) I enjoyed the adventure of testing these flavours and I would have no hesitation in recommending them as concentrates to further your personal mixing adventures.
Many thanks to Marcin, for allowing me to test these out.
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