my aga arrived today, made up my first wick and coil, of course there was a short, on the third attempt the coil popped at the top and i had to take a turn off to make the wire stretch, so i decided to make one that was a bit more likely to work. it was a fair way from the wick but i thought what the hell lets try it out, the coil lit almost perfectly evenly which was nice, started thinking "this isnt as bad as some people make out" and after a bit of pulsing i thought id put a few drops of juice on the wick.
so wick now coated with a bit of juice it was time to fire it, it worked! wasnt huge amounts of vapor but it worked, so i tried a second blast, a bit longer this time, after about 1.2 secs the wick and coil set alight! so i blew it out, it happened twice more then eased off, im guessing thats because i dripped the juice straight onto the coil right? or have i done something drastically wrong?
so wick now coated with a bit of juice it was time to fire it, it worked! wasnt huge amounts of vapor but it worked, so i tried a second blast, a bit longer this time, after about 1.2 secs the wick and coil set alight! so i blew it out, it happened twice more then eased off, im guessing thats because i dripped the juice straight onto the coil right? or have i done something drastically wrong?