vaporsizer Veteran Joined Dec 31, 2013 Messages 7,647 Mar 17, 2014 #2 Well done mate. A lot of people feel quite strongly about it & the lack of people actually signing it. Every signature adds up & counts.
Well done mate. A lot of people feel quite strongly about it & the lack of people actually signing it. Every signature adds up & counts.
Dr Manhattan Achiever Joined Mar 2, 2014 Messages 2,155 Mar 18, 2014 #4 Same here, hopefully together we'll have a voice in this
K KulrMeStoopid Guest Mar 18, 2014 #5 Make sure you sign everyone in your house thats an adult Then take your tablet or phone around and bug everyone else you know
Make sure you sign everyone in your house thats an adult Then take your tablet or phone around and bug everyone else you know
stoobs Postman Joined Jan 30, 2014 Messages 709 Mar 18, 2014 #6 Signed this ages ago but we have to encourage peeps to sign as well usually ninjaassasin1983 is all over it when welcoming any new members ; ) Just signed it for the rest of the family ; ) Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
Signed this ages ago but we have to encourage peeps to sign as well usually ninjaassasin1983 is all over it when welcoming any new members ; ) Just signed it for the rest of the family ; )
K KulrMeStoopid Guest Mar 18, 2014 #7 Its also included in the welcome PM new user receive so dont harass them too much!