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eGo-C 2 1000mah passthrough not charging?


New Member
Jan 4, 2013
Hello all!

Brand new vaper here with my first post.

I wonder if anyone can help me with a question I have about my battery. I've searched this forum but I haven't been able to find anyone with a similar issue.

It's an eGo-C 2 passthrough, 1000mah, Joyetech-branded, that I got from vapeescape.co.uk, which I'm using with a Kanger T3. From what I've read online, the power button is supposed to double as a battery indicator: when fired, the LED shines white if the battery is at <10%, white and blue if it's 10%-50%, and blue if it's >50%. Straight out of the box, the LED shone white (which is to be expected), but after leaving it charging overnight the light is still white. What's more, when I plugged it in to charge overnight, the red charging light at the bottom of the battery (where the USB plugs in) came on, but then went off after only 10 minutes or so. So my questions are: am I totally wrong about the LED being supposed to act as a remaining charge indicator? And is it normal for the red charging light to only stay on for a little while?

I've only had my vaping gear since last night, so I haven't actually checked how long the battery is giving me, but I'd be v much obliged if anyone with experience of this model battery could set me right.

Thanks in advance.
the LED shines white if the battery is at <10%, white and blue if it's 10%-50%, and blue if it's >50%.

Bah, I'm such a clown. The above is the opposite of reality: white means >50%, white and blue is 10-50%, and blue is <10%. So it seems my battery is working perfectly, and I assume the red light was only going off because it was fully charged!

Sorry for wasting everyone's time!
:welcome1: to the planet! and :thankssing: for answering your own question :P
We all make simple errors with our gear from time to time. Welcome to the planet smaug :)
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