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Review eGo One rebuildable heads - a few pics

pauly meatballs

Jun 21, 2013
Hi guys, not really a review, more of a heads up.

Joyetech.co.uk have the new rebuildable heads for the ego one in stock.
They're only available as a 5 pack which is annoying.
I bought a pack anyway.
They're all 1.0ohm and pre-wicked.



here's a pic of a new CLR (rebuildable) head next to an old one.


You can see here how the topcap screws down. This also acts as a juice control:


removing the topcap we see the pre-installed coil:



the cotton wick pulls out easily. This is pretty cool even if you're not interested in rebuilding, it's an easy way to re-wick a coil :)


by pulling out the bottom pin we see the 2 leads. Very similar to the protank heads.
(I've actually just noticed, there looks like a little notch on the left hand side where one of your leads can be trapped :)


This is my only concern so far. We remember how the protank grommets would get scorched. I'll be keeping a close eye on this.

whipped up a new coil no probs. 6 wraps of 0.35mm kanthal - 2.5mm ID (came to 1.1ohms)




wicked, juiced and ready to vape :)


The draw feels more like the 1.0ohm heads than the 0.5ohm heads. Better suited for mouth to lung.


The resistance is a little higher than I wanted. Wanna shoot for about a 0.8ohm next time.
This tank on the istick50 at 20W is keeping up just fine. Great flavour.
Wouldn't want to push it much higher I'm thinking.


any other ego one fans here? :D

Great pics and breakdown!

The CLR heads are a game changer for the Ego One IMHO. I don't rebuild yet, but rewicking these is so easy, and with a dry burn beforehand, the coils seem as good as new again.

My Ego One XL was consigned to the back of my vape draw based on the stock CL coils, but with these CLRs, it's my go to device, and fantastic for out and about.

I do hope they do 0.5 ohm CLRs at some point too. :D
To use these for lung hits I just swapped out the bottom cap with one from one of my used 0.5 ohm coils as these have the larger diameter hole for better air flow and it works perfectly
I loved my ego one before I lost it. Only used one of the heads so never even got a chance to rewick. It's a nice little size
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