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ego passthrough


Dec 13, 2012
hi i have a 900 ego vv passthrough battery can i charge it at the other end like i do with my ce4 650 battery instead of passthrough cable ???
I read somewhere that the usb wall charger u buy to chargd your ego ce4 650 battery isnt powerfull enough and u need a plug that output is 2 amp or more
I read somewhere that the usb wall charger u buy to chargd your ego ce4 650 battery isnt powerfull enough and u need a plug that output is 2 amp or more

I'm sure that depends on the kind of passthrough you are using.
There are 2 types -

One is a passthrough with an actual battery in it like the OP has, with these you can charge and vape at the same time.
The power used to fire the coil is coming from the battery only.

The second type is a direct passthrough which has no battery in it.
These devices take power directly from the socket they are plugged into. These are the ones that need 2amps ( 2000mA ) ideally.
A USB2 socket only lets out 500mA.
Not sure about USB3 ... 900mA ?

Oh forgot to mention, most chargers these days for the eGo batts will let out 420mA which is fine for charging.
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