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EJuicemeup default grams estimate


Apr 10, 2015
Still really new to DIY and have been using the Ejuicemeup program for recipes with syringe/ml measurements. I reckon weight/grams looks easier and saves on the washing up but want to know if I should bother taking my own unit measurements for PG/VG/Nic/flavourings to setup the values in the Ejuicemeup tools menu or if these generic gram defaults I found on Vaping underground will do?

Nicotine: 1.1425
PG: 1.036
VG: 1.249
Water/PGA: 1
Flavoring: 1


Also is there a definitive answer to the question of PG/VG nicotine base?
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Measuring to 3 and 4 decimal places might be slight overkill. :D I think taking your own measurements is a useful exercise.
I agree with @Mr Numpty
For me mixing by weight is about saving time and achieveing consistently repeatable results not scientific accuracy to 3 decimal places. Can you actually achieve that level of accuracy when adding drops of flavour ... or is one decimal place close enough for practical purposes?

The defaults seem good enough but are they the same as your VG/PG/nicotine? Why use someone else's measurements of different diluents and nic?
Personally, I use 1.3 for VG as that's what resulted when I weighed ClassiKool's VG.
Everything else I leave as 1:1
I do the same as @scrumpox using 1:1 for pg, nic and flavours (I use pg flavours) and 1.3 for vg. Though often I still mix in a measuring cylinder so I can use my milk frother, in which case I work out the amount I want to make add all the 1:1 ingredients and just top up with vg to the desired amount, simple but effective
If you want an exact measurement for each flavour use E Liquid Recipes. Make your recipe, then click each concentrates name it'll display all the info such as:-

ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1457628326.133114.jpg

This shows capella custard is 1.067g / ml
Thanks for the help on this.

When I enter my nicotine base values should I just put 100%vg/pg or should I subtract the nicotine content which I am assuming to be 7.2% (giving a nicotine base vg/vg percentage of 92.8%?). When I do this on e-liquid-recipes calculator it automatically adds the remaining percentage as VG rather than acknowledging the remainder as nicotine content.

I also keep getting negative PG values when trying to mix recipes above 70vg on the e-liquid-recipes calculator. If I check the max vg box does this automatically calculate the highest possible vg ratio?
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